Elk City Sun from Elk City, Kansas (2024)

tilt 10 VOLUME 15 NUMBER 40 ELK CITY, KANSAS, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1018 $1.50 A YEAR Striped Overalls and Jumpers, Go To Church Sunday! Local Happening. Arrange For Memorial Services. 11.75 at Sherman's. B. V.

for $1.25, at Sher Oil And Ga3 News. Dexter Fouler sold last week ie leases on about 100 acrer! mill of Oak Vallev to a Mr. man s. See the Hoosier Kitchen Cab Another shipment of Rugs tiff's. Caramel-Nut Ice Cream, Call phone No.

17 for the Ell; Hotel Taxi and auto livery. Sweet, Sour and Dill Pickles, inet, at Rice's. A meeting was held at the SUN office Wednesday night and arrangements made to properly ob serve Memorial Sunday and Decoration Day. The program will be announced later. The following committees were appointed: Sherman's.

at at Good looking hats from up Cnokuf Lamar, for $11,000. in bulk, at the Moat Market. Ben Clark has Bulk Collet- Swift's Premium Hams, at a 'There was one gas well of sov at Ethyl Main's. o. it i ii 'it I mil million leet capacity on the Regular Meals aud Short Or- 18c per lb; 2 lbs for 35c.

Opi'Ciai ITIU'. D. I J'OWUIIU. Gaiducr tract of 29 acres in 20- Finance, C. A.

Pendarvis and F.Jders at the Home Bakery. Flashlights and Thermos at the Rexall Drug Store. A few pairs Blue Union-made was L. Roberts; Decorating Old Sol-1 Miss Maggie Chrisman quite sick the first of the week. Overalls at at Sherman Libby's Red Beans, 10c per R.

L. Slater returned here last can 3 cans for 25c. B. II. Clark.

Mrs. vv. U. liryant, isotary Public, in office of W. C.

Bryant. A new shipment of Jonteel toilet poods at the Rexall Drug Store. A nice assortment of the famous Heine's canned goods a I Ben Clark's. Mrs. F.

L. Roberts was visiting friends in Independence on Friday from a few days' visit in Some nice new numbers in Oklahoma. Rockers and Dining Chairs, at tlier Craves, ti. JI. Taggart, 11.

W. Davis, Jasper Ervin and J. B. Painter; Music, Elder I. N.

Jett, T. E. Finch and C. II. Taggart: Speaker, E.

A. Smith, Wm. Ty-nar and II. 1 1. Hare; Decorations Mrs.

May 'Musson and Miss Claude Davis; Parade, R. M. Robertson, II. W. Davis, J.

C. Wolf, J. B. Painter and C. R.

31-13 and another well on top of the sand on the fame lease. This well has been drilled in and is the irual good ga.sf.er at a little over 500 feet and the rig has been moved onto location for No. 3 on the same farm. On the Dexter land in the Bliss Oil Co. shot their No.

(I last Thursday and have a very nice oil well in the 500 foot -and. The rig has been moved to a location east on the same farm for well No. 7. This dis Paris Green and Arsenate of Rice's. Lead for spraying at The Nyal B.

P. R. Eggs for setting, 15 Eocal fiappcnltw. Go To Church Sunday! Children's Jlosicry, at Sherman's. Get your victory bread the Home Bakery.

A fresh supply of Bulk Cookies at Ben Clark's. Any kind of Insurance at Citizens State Bank. Eastman Kodaks and Supplies at the Rexall Drug Store. Fresh Fruits and Fancy Cookies in bulk at the Meat Market. S.

P. Dowthitt sells the well known Foremost Urand of Flour. We still have the big 5c bar of Toilet Soap at the Roxall Drug Store. All.sizes Casings and Tubes, in several makes at Barnes' Garage. "We are always in the market Cor your Poultry and Produce.

S. P. DowthiU. Picture show at the Airdomo each Thursday and Saturday night. Admission 5c and 15c.

Time to shed that heavy underwear. Sherman has some light weight, for both ladies and gents. Drug Store. for 100 for $5. Mrs.

Sam'l Monday and Tuesday. II. W. Ewick was up from In wi can Miss Nannie Whistler wen! to i it tt ttr dependence' last Thursday and ouy ear-u-wen onoes aim Long. everyone assist in Independence Tuesday to visit a few days with friends.

Fiiday on business. making the services this year the 50f -1 $2 Dowhitt. best ever held in Elk City El Vampiro. the insect powder trict looks good to the operators Sour Pickles, Sweet and Sweet Mixed Pickles and Sweet Relish in bulk at Ben Clark's. Mrs.

Earl Weakley of Ogden, as it can be drilled al a small in the bellows box, 10c, at Rexall Drug Store. cost and there are few dry holes RED CROSS NOTES. 25 ladies were present May 9 in that section. Entirely new change of hats Utah, is visiting here this week with Mrs. W.

R. Ruble Weaver No. 2 of the Navaio DM Gas Go. in 13-32-12 is said There were 41 ladies presentlast for mid-summer wear on dis-week instead of 38. Mrs.

Me- Prices Ethel Main. Kaferita Meal, made from the pure Kafir. and Feterita at W. L. Kelly's.

Also Corn Flour. FOR SALE Well matured White Seed Kafir, per bu. II. A. Hempor, box 1:12.

FOR SALE My farm of SO acres, 5-room house, good 2 wells. J. P. Canatsev, route 1. John and Cecil Davidson and wives were here from Tyro Sat Plenty of Money to Loan on Pani I Rat Corn is Sure Death to Rats real estate, chattel or personal ricurity.

First Nationnl Bank. i be a good oil well in the Peru and at dose to 1200 feet. The Elk Oil No. 2. L.

r.r.vaut in 35-31-13 is down a few land Mice. We sell and guaran cently completed a qu.lt and yes-Lee it at the Rexall Drugstore leraay uonaieu it to ttie ilea Mrs. E.C. Strauss was up from Cross. It brought $28.50 and P.

Independence last Thursday and Hodson, who now owns it, has Friday on business and visiting bundled feet. No. 1 is pumping about 25 barrels a day, which is worth noting as the well has not requested that it be re-sold and friends. Mail or phone orders for drugs been The well now drilling Ladies' Blue, Pink, Brown, the funds given to the Red Cross. urday and Sunday visiting rela-j tives.

Get a Gem Safety Razor at the Rexall Drug Store. extra blades for Gem, Enders and Gillette Razors. The west bound Santa Fe pas will be watched with more than Palm Beach, Light Brown, Grey, ordinary interest Rlar.1- YWiifo anrl TTnqp flt xivju. jj. v.

iic-Kici, hiuujiu I Sherman The Crescent Oil Refining Go. and the San Oil Roy Brother Burt Hall will preach at the Mission in Elk City, Sunday, May 12 at p. in. Everyone invited. W.

C. Bryant is now better prepared than ever to care for Farm Loan business. Quick service and reasonable terms. Fixall -the Varnish of many colors--for floors, furniture, carriages and The Nyal Drug Store. Frank Liifius and wife of Augusta, came in Monday to visit his parents, Oliver Lucius ent attorney of Wichita, has been t.

M. Boston and wife visited senger train, due nere at alty Co. have fished the damaged p. was nearly four hours late casing out nf their No. 2 Spaht in 13-31-13 and have reset cas etc.

sent to the country promptly by parcel post. Rexall Drug Store. II. L. Boylan and Miss Myrtle Malcom motored to Independence last Friday with Red Cross supplies.

W. A. Cox and wife of Long-ton visited here Saturday night and Sunday with his parents, G. E. Cox and wife.

W. A. James was in Coffey- last Thursday. Mrs. Lou Smith returned kbit secured to deliver an address at in Independence, Sunday and the Christian Church on Sunday Monday with his parents, A.

W. night, May 19th, when the Red Boston and wife. Dr. Hess' Dip and Dismfect- Gross laches will be in charge of ant for lice md mogt skin the services. Don miss hear- Hkonaps of stnr-k and nonltrv.

ing; shutting oil' the water Thursday to her home in Fredo Therr is quite a bit of oil in the well but a lack of lulling wil v. I prevent pumping the well on the ing this man. Rexall Drug Stre. beam Mrs. J.

II. Cole went to Cher- Dabnev 'v Morton are due to Mrs. I I. Woodring Buried Here. ryvale on Saturday and visited several days at the home of her sister, Mrs.

Edgar Foster. The body of Mrs. Hines Wood nia after a week visit here wiih Mrs. F. A.

Quigg. Mrs. W. D. Lewis and little daughter came in Saturday fur a visit with her husband's parents, A.

Lewis and wife. J. W. Jones of Walnut. Kan who Was here last week fo attend the funeral of his son, W.

11. Jones, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Harvey Ilutchens and daughter, Miss Gladys visited from Friday until Tuesday with ring of Neodesha, who died Jan. All kinds Sole Leather, Rub 15th and which was placed in fi Repairing the Mausoleum at Independence, I TT TT W5i l.m.irrht morn- and Oiling, Harness Hardware ing for interment on the family and Hard Oil C.

W. Dewey. ville Sunday and Monday on business for the Granger's Elevator Supply Co. G. M.

Maupin and wife and son, B. L. Maupin, wife and little daughter motored down from Fredonia last Friday evening. Mrs. E.

A. Kin worthy of Independence was visiting here from Friday until Sunday with her son, L. M. Terry and family. E.

T. Dewey and family of Independence were visiting here last Friday and Saturday with his parents, C. W. Dewey and wife. W.

A. Davidson, who is em- lot in Oak Hill cemetery. A Frank Johnson and family mo her of relatives from Neodesha. I tored here from New Albany on and wife ot route 4. T.

E. Finch and wife visited at Howard from Saturday until Monday with the latter's parents W. II. Reams and wife. MONEY 5 per cent on Farm Loans with commission.

No waiting for the money after loan is accented. Citizens State Bank. Fish hooks, Sinkers, Poles, Corks and Lines; Minnow Seins and Minnow Buckets; Trot Lines and Staging at the Nyal Drug Store. A. T.

Cox and wife of Independence were visiting here on Sunday and Monday with his mother, Mrs. W. 11. Cox and other relatives. sho spud in this week on their well on the Wooldridge farm in 31-31-14.

in the old field opened up wars ago by the local gas company. Chaslain Bros, drilled in their Lehn No. 1 in 29-32-14 Wednesday and have a gas well; the location being the farthest southeast on their lease. The other wells on this lease are oil wells and have very little gas. Maiy Ilolloday' No 7 fee in 21-32-12 is reported to be a gas well at about 1,200 feet.

The Moiine Oil Co. brought in their No. 7 on the Inscho farm in 2 1-32-H last Friday and have a nice producer. This company and relaives at Colony -eoi Longton and Elk City and quite Sunday to visit Mrs. Johnson's a number of friends from this parents, O.

T. Hayward and wife. city gathered at 10 o'clock at the S. W. Kelly visited in Inde- cemetery, where short services pendence Saturday and Sunday were conducted by Elder I.

N. with his brother, Allen Kelly and Jett. Mrs. Woodring made her wife and his sister, Miss Edna Falls. El Vampiro the insect powder in the bellows box kills lice, mites, fleas, bed bugs and flies, 10c per box.

-The Nyal Drug Store. E.H.Stewart and wife of Independence were visiting here on home at Elk Citv for many vears I Kelly, and the remains were buried by I We have the stock frames and played at Independence, visited here from Sunday until Tuesday the side of relatives who had pre- trimmings and can make you a hat at any price. Don't judge Saturday and Sunday with the ceded her to the other world. former's sister, Mrs. J.

H. Ric now lias meir pumping plain our prices by our pattern hats. and husband. Ethyl Main. Elk City "Over The Louis Aemisegger, I.

T. Saun If you have a farm or property completed and in operation and the I'rairie fs repoited to have laid a line to the lease and to be taking the oil. i ders, Paul Fonberg, J. L. Oliver, Elk Citv went "over the for sale or trade list it with G.

with his parents, R. O. Davidson and wife of route 2. Mrs. Julia Clingan, who is critically ill at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs.

I. N. Sla-ton on route 3, suffered a third stroke of paralysis Saturday and it is feared will not survive long. B. II.

Clark and wife motored to Fredonia Sunday to visit G. M. Maupin and wife. They were H. Taggart Agencies.

We'll in the matter of buying bonds of H. II. Hare, Rudolph and Walter the Third Liberty Loan with a Lessman, Mrs. G. W.

Wickham The new time of the Santa Fe freight given in last week's Sl'N was slightly incorrect. The time of the west bound is 10:15 and that of the east bound 12:50. Miss Edna Kelly of Independence was visiting here orn Sunday until Wednesday With her father, William Kelly and family and her brother, S. W. Kelly and family.

C. O. Walters and family of treat you right. One price and nice margin. The total quota al- and daughter Bessie and Miss Gasoline Price Reduced.

At the present high price of one commission. lotted the First National Bank Lizzie Bryant were in Independ Homer Reed and wife came up was $29,300 and thev exceeded ence, Monday. gasoline, 12 to 10 miles to the from Independence Sunday to gallon is not enough. There is a that amount by $850. The Citi- H.

L. Boylan, L. Antle, R. O. zens State Bank quota was Davidson, Horace Booth, Frank i ir i recently patented device known visit relatives in this vicinity.

Homer returned home Monday is the liUiUvlv which con 400 and the total subscr ntlon Barnes ana wile, Mrs. l. a Sedan visited relatives here Sun- I Tr "ii i nf while his wife remained to visit ducts steam and vapor from radi- was $10,550. The total ouota nrooKs, lvirs. r.

n. viarn, iviis. ay and Monday and on account several days. itor through carburetor into the of the big rain Sunday were was $38,700 and the total sales G. W.

Wickham and daughter were just $2,000 above Bessie and Miss Lizzize Bryant engine, and which, it is claimed, breed to leave their car and re- will double the average mileage, the mark. were county seat visitors i ues- urn home via the "Air Line." day. md in nniny instances is giving Having received an important CI Xinmrm1 rnnnvto fViof Mo 0 miles to the gallon, while the etter from the Supreme Oracle, Council Proceedings. wif is convalescing from her re- acompanied by Mrs. W.

A. Goble and two children who spent the day with her husband, who is employed there. Geo. Dumond, W. Ilarwood, Mrs.

W. M. Clark, Mrs. R. L.

Musson, May uVIusson, Mrs. Dell Cook, Mrs. C. S. Palmer and daughter, Miss Pearl, Mrs.

Wm. Sumner and baby were in Independence Friday on various missions. Allen Frizell came in last Friday from Camp Doniphan, Fort Sill, to spend a week's furlough with his parents, William team and vapor prevent carbon, Miss Ethyl Gillespie, county superintendent, came up frcn. Independence. Friday 'to' look after school business in this vicinity and to spend over Sunday with her parent.

W. II. Gillespie and wife. Mrs. W.

H. Cox and granddaughter Miss Ethyl Cox returned home last Thursday from a At the regular monthly meet-1 cent operation in an Independ cool the engine and increase would like for all members of he Royal Neighbors to be pres ing of the city council Monday ence hospital but that it will be power. This device is manufact ent at the meeting next Tuesday, night, some street repair work I a few weeks before she will be ured and sold by Burke Motor May 14. Something was ordered done. $15 was vot-lable to return home.

This will (Inc.) of Clinton, Oklahoma. ed to assist in the expense of the! be good news to Mrs. Dumond's Only Ford models are made at J. C. Harmon and wife and month's visit with J.

L. Cox and the present time. The company Day. J. P.

T. Davis resigned as That big rain that the farmers I family of Chattanooga, Okla. and son, Laban Harmon, wife and desires an agent in each county Police Judcre on account of bekig and stockmen have 'been lookinglMrs. I. E.

Cox and children of within 30 days. We believe those 1 A J.nlrn rOrlr, baby motored up from Independence, Sunday to visit relatives and on account of the rain were who buy gasoline should look in rvnuuai ku, vjiyux gone a great deal the time dur-jand hoping for, arrived Sunday ing the next several months, and and Sunday night, when about Art Cutsinger and family moved to this matter at once. orced to leave their car and re back Saturday to Elk City from C. W. Miller was appointed to three inches of rain fell.

Streams turn home via train Monday. Blackwell, where they P'rizell and wife; returning there yesterday. Allen was in the hospital when the company left, else he might now be in France. C. J.

Hadlock and wife of routp 4 motored to Eureka Saturday jio attend the fiftieth wedding anniversary of the latter's parents fill the vacancy. were flushed several feet, ponds Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Fred Cooley, who worked in have been living the past few months. Mr. Cutsinger has been Each one come to Prairie school the oil fields here some years ago, visited old friends here Wednes were filled and the ground given a thorough soaking. Another good shower fell Wednesday night ahd there is now plenty of nouse on Saturday night, -May in many small cities but he finds day.

He siient' several years in that Elk City is a mighty nice IS. There will be an entertain ment given, a fish pond, a parce place to live. J. E. Winters, J.

B. Slocum California after leaving here but has been connected with an oil company at Oklahoma City, Ok. post booth, fortune telling and a Notice A special meeting of the stockholders of the Grangers Elevator Supply Co. will be held at 8 :00 p. m.

on Saturday, May 11, 1918, at the Woodman hall in Elk City. All stockholders are urged to be present as business of importance will come before the meet side -show. This is for benefit of moisture for all purposes. Crops are looking fine and with warm weather on tap now the growth will be rapid. Louis Aemisegger ha3 been temporarily exempted from army for a year past.

G. E. Dumond, W. M. McGaugh, A.

T. Cook, R. L. Newkirk and son Julius, Noah Vaughn and the Red Cross; come and help J. S.

Stringham and wife, which was held Monday. Many relatives were present and it was an enjoyable affair. Mrs. Hadlock's brother, M. Stringham of Chicago, accompanied the Hadlocks home for a few days' visit.

Farmers who sell cream should D. W. Lewis, J. P. Stark, Ells good cause.

Everyone bring your worth Law, Myri Davis. J. W. son Floyd, Mrs. W.

A. Rockwell, Red Cross quilt nambets; quut Mrs. C. S. Palmer and daughter Harwood, W.

M. McGaugh, G. II. Taggart, L. W.

Davis, J. A. will be drawn that night. service until after harvest and Lyman Loether will be the only Miss Pearl, were county seat vis ing. ll.

rJ. bmith, secretary. Sparks and wife, Mrs. Elba itors on Wednesday. Elk City boy to go in the army FARM LOANS.

ji l. i xi 1 Ail. The Red Cross ladies of Sun Notice! araii ioaa, ine iuiii. yuue mnro h.llr n.ivs wi Dickey and Mrs. E.

F. Cox were transacting business in Independence on Saturday. Farm Loans at fa per cent nyside district gave an ice cream Parties knowing themselves in- ha llaj iha fri supper at the Sunnyside schoo straight annual interest, no com skim it more closely, for 18 to 3 cream contains a great deal cf milk which should be saved for the hogs. Sour, metallic cream is always second grade and sells for 3c per pound less than house Saturday night and reahz mission or commission mortgage ed nearly $35 for the Red Cross J. B.

Slocum, office at gas office. Over $16 of the amount was on debted to me will please call at training camp the latter part of once and settle their acoc*nts as this mcnth Tho3e win proba. I really need the money. W.L. bly be called at that time are; Gily mtt Ansel Looran.

Louis Anthony -n Pettyjohn, William A. Davidson, Ice Cream Supper at Fairview taned' for a cake, which was giv The picture show advertised Calvin Clmgan of Cache. was here from Sunday until Wednesday; being called here by the critical illness of his mother, Mrs. Julia Clingan. Mr.

Clingan had not been here for a number of years and renewed many acquaintances during his short Stay' HW-H" first grade. sweet cream pays the best and saves on trans for Thursday night was post en to the most popular young lady. Mrs. J. D.

Grey won the school house next Friday night, Bcal gchuvler Wesley Pierce prize. The ladies kindly remem portation and cans. Meriden poned until Friday night. Wine of Cardui, the woman bered the Sun office with some Creamery W. L.

Kelly, local! May 17th for benefit of the Red George Edward Davidson, Guy 'a t- ii nf Tiri i tonic at the Rexall Drug Store delicious cake. a'geat I Cross- UUMft! A. isreicnes, luanon aianc. i.

Elk City Sun from Elk City, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.