The St. Louis Star and Times from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12, 1321. SENATE CONFIRMS HUGHES AS BANK COMMISSIONER William A. Raupp of City Also Confirmed as Adjutant General. JEFFERSON CITY, Jan.

(Special.) -The senate, in executive session this morning, confirmed the appointment of John Gl Hughes of Macon as state bank commissioner and Col. William A. Raupp of Pierce City as adjutant general. There was objection to the confirmation of either by Democratic senators. effort was made execative session to tale up the athe other appointments submitted by Gov.

Gardner an hour before he left the executive chair. Gov. Hyde today said he had told Hughes he saw no impropriety in man of State ComHughes continuing, to serve as chairmittee. Hughes is not a member of the committee. SENATE RULES ADOPTED WITH ONE RADICAL CHANGE Lieutenant Governor Now Has Power to Name Members of Rules Committee.

JEFFERSON CITY, Jan. committee of Young whichprepared by the was chairman, were adopted by the senate The only radical change made was the placing of the appointment of the rules committee in the hands of the lieutenant gova ernor. The Democrats offered 1 no objectoninators Young, Brogan, Anderson and Kinney, all of St. Louis, and Casey of Kansas City, were appointed by Lieut. Gov.

Lloyd, a resolution offered by Young, to prepare memorial services for former Senator John F. Morton of Ray County, who died last year. CLASSIFIED RATES The St. Louis Star No ad charged less than 2 lines. 1 time -17c per line 3 times-16c per line 6 times--15c per line Rates for Display Type and tracts on request.

TABLE OF COST Based on consecutive insertions. 1 3 6 Lines Time Times Times .34 .96 1.80 .51 1.44 2.70 .68 1.92 3.60 10 .85 2.40 4.50 00 1.02 2.88 5.40 -3 1.19 3.36 6.30 00 1.36 3.84 7.20 62 1.53 4.32 8.10 10 1.70 4.80 9.00 Telephone Your Ad. Olive 6000-Central WEDDING RINGS WEDDING INVITATIONS Are shown in the newest designs at Jaccard's, Locust at Ninth. MARRIAGE LICENSES. George D.

Cowart ..2816 Olive Elizabeth C. Schmuke .2846 Olive Ernest Baker Murphy sboro, Ill Mabel L. Willisville, Ill Fred Landolt, Jr. 105 Nellie Mary Kalter 1339 Arlington Philip Therp .3128 Lackede Mra. Estella Hodges ...2215 Walnut Nathaniel Everson ........412 South Garrison Maud Craig 2919 Scott Harry Hiken .......1228 Blair Fannie Barron ...1616 Carr Sam A.

Jones East St. Louis, Ill Ora Lea Pritchard ..3410 Washington Charles Edward Gruet ...308 West Stein Helen Marie Ruhrmann ...7726 Minnesota redford .2603 North Ninth Sirs. Lena" Benson St. James, Mo South Compton Mrs. Mattie Edwards ....316 South Compton John W.

Triff ..3448 Pine Ella Mae Freeman Garfield Frank Horvath .4551 South Compton Antonett Steif 1530 Menard Oliver Naber .4559 Holly Alma Ueltzen 4559 Holly Jesse Sanders Little Rock, Ark Maggie Baker Hickman, Ky Joseph Curto McPherson Ida M. Wolf Whitman New York City Charles E. Tocher McPherson Mrs. Esther R. Gillespie McPherson George Babiah Zelgler, 111 Caroline Yaros Ill Lyle L.

Brown Minn Harriet Eby 1227 Amberst Harold X. La Bruyere 1427 S. Broadway Emma C. Knorpp 1221 Lafayette Aloysius G. Kern 3803 St.

Ferdinand Marie C. Curley 2515 North Prairie Harry Seigel 2902 Thomas Ray Kramer 1440 N. Jefferson Fred J. Kelsey ..4819 Allemania Ciera Henricks Highbridge, Mo Terry Malson .2006 E. Warne 3004 North Broadway James A.

Boyer .3633 McDonald dalweg 1830 N.g Twenty-first I August The West .7903 Water Florence Kolb .2910 Michigan Jerome L. MeHugh .3345 Vernon Helen M. Shadburne ..5345 Vernon Ben Hillard Wilson Market Airs Grace Reese 718 Market Sayre, Ok August Viethaus Louise H. Kiebler Mo Floyd R. Gleason Hotel Olive Ruby Lightfoot 0k Charles R.

Duvall ...807 North Fifteenth Feari Montgomery ..807 North Fifteenth Jacob Egler .2763 Chouteau 1846 North Eleventh St. Louis, 111 Chas. A. McAlexander Ada McAtee East St. Louis, 111 .5064 Cates Charles M.

Russell Adelia Whaley 4050 Washington Harry T. Covington 4447 Kennerly Mrs. Lucille C. .3131 Lawton East St. Louis.

111 Tonis Schneider Fraile Stoll Columbia, John H. Carter Elorado, St. Louis, 111 Margaret A. Tintera Belleville, Kauffmann Belleville August P. Mrs.

Margaret LaFore BIRTHS Girls. W. and V. Billings, 6000 Waterman. J.

and I. Gilbert, 3409 North Florissant, and L. Brown, 1803 Natali. and F. McPherson, 2319 Maiden Lane.

E. Spinner, 4315 Wyoming. and C. Schuerman, 5215 Emily; twins. F.

Keller, 2314 South Broadway. and M. Kelly, 4237 North Broadway. and E. Salomey, 1332 Hickory.

and I. Roomer, 3144 Castleman. and L. Irynd, 1119 South Sixth. and K.

Flynn, 5850 Ridge. Obermuller, 118 East Grand. and H. and R. Lindhorst.

5224 Gilmore. A. Weimert, 2218 North Market. and L. Anderson, 1434 Goodfellow.

And M. Roberts. 3146 Clifton. and I. Surarz, 2520 De Kalb.

D. Downey, 4300 Cook: twins. and and C. Woodruff, 4103 California. and S.

Lehman, 2709. Whittier. and M. Felex, 1207 Blair. Boys.

and A. Kott winkel, 4219 Grove. M. and V. Dunkin, 2305 South Fourth.

J. and M. Lozano, 3842 Marine. S. and J.

5052 Grace. P. and Niedzliski, 3224 Itaska. E. Tsitsimanis, 8705 Wisconsin.

and M. Rudy, 3818 North Market. J. and R. I.

Roach, 4449 4508 Morganford. and Rau, W. and V. Bice, 4348 Vista. and A.

Walters, 1233 South Vanderenter. and Moore. 4021 Blaine. J. Yankowski, 1426 North Ninth.

and E. Krisch. 4932 Harney. J. and H.

Wanek, 4823 Fairfleld. W. and M. Davis. 6208 Alabama.

A. and and C. Witzka, Johnson, 212 31174, East La Davis, Salle. P. and M.

Peterman, 2143 Oregon. and E. Arken, 4431 Alaska. and Schad. 2806 Missouri.

and E. Manno, 1104 Brooklyn. J. and M. Williams, 1223 Chestnut.

L. and E. Spinks, 1325 North Ninth. 1010 BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS GIFTS FOR BABY shown in the newest designs at Jaccard'e, are Locust at Ninth. Ice AUTO LAMPS repaired and replated.

Rick. Felton Mfg. 4218 Olive. ALTO PARTS- -Nickel and silver plated. St.

Louis Plating 10 N. 12th, BATTERIES recharged, Auto Electric 1510 Pine st. BATTERIES- Rebuilt. repaired, recharged. Victor Battery Service.

2320 So. Jefferson. CYLINDER regrading machine work, painting. Repair 4601 Olive st. TELCO- -Authorized parts and service.

Automotive Elec. Service 2129-31 Locust. RADIATOR REPAIRING -Fenders repaired and straightened. E. C.

ROHDE, 4135 Olive. RADIATOR manufacturing and repairing. Hoods, fenders. Jett Mautz, 3326 Olive. THE BEST WAY TO SATISFY A WANT IS TO TELL PERMITS DEATHS AUTO SUPPLIES -PARTS SITUATIONS- at 10 8.

at residence, 4427 Alaska avenue, Mary' Kossenjans (nee Simmons), aged 41 Fears, dear wife of John Kossenfans, our dear sister, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law. aunt and niece. Funeral Friday, January 14, at 8 a. from Moydell parlors, Mississippi and Allen avenues, to St. Anthony's Church, thence to SS.

Peter and Paul Cemetery. Johnson City (Ill.) papers please copy. LAMPING-Entered into rest off January 10. 1921, at 5:30 p. Henry F.

Lamping, dear beloved husband of Angonette Lamping (nee Greesa), father of Rosie Stock (nee Lamping), Henry, Joe, Fred, Ollie Robert and Loretta Lamping, brother of Francis Lamping. and our dear grandfather and greatfrom years. family residence, 5938 Cote Brilliante grandfather and uncle, at the will age of 71 Due notice of funeral will be given, avenue. Cincinnati (Ohio) papers please copy. M.

Entered into rest on Tuesday, Jannary 11, 1921, at 2:10 p. Louisa Stork McLean, dear mother of Mrs. Clara Marshall, Mrs. E. M.

Zimmerman, Mrs. C. Hamm, Mrs. Otto A. Heine, our dear grandmother and mother-in-law.

at the age of 66 years. Funeral from the residence, 4242 Hartford street, on Thursday, January 13, at 2 p. to Valhalla Cemetery. NORDMEYER- On Monday, January 10, 1921, at 12:05 p. Elizabeth Nordmeyer, beloved mother of Clem La Anna and Elizabeth Nordmeyer, our dear mother-in-law and grandmother, at the age of 86 years.

Funeral from residence, 4220A Virginia avenue, on Thursday. January 13, at 8:30 a. to St. Anthony's Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. uary 11, 1921, Harry H.

Pope, beloved husPOPE--Suddenly, on Tuesday morning, Janband of Nadine Pope (nee Leapard), father of Dorothy Lee Pope, SOIL of Ernest H. Pope and brother of Beatrice Pope and Mrs. Mabel Campbell. Remains at Marshall parlors, 4118 Westminster place. Interment at Duquoin, Thursday, January 13, RYAN-On Tuesday, January 11, 1921, George Ryan, beloved son of Johanna and the late Rich ird Ryan, dear brother of James, Will and Josephine Ryan, aged 32 years.

Funeral from the Ellis funeral rooms, 727 North Kingshighway, on Thursday, Jannary 13, at 7:30 a. to Church of the Epiphany. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. tery. WOLFRUM- Asleep in Jesus on Tuesday, January 11, 1921, at 3:30 a.

Henry Wolfrum, beloved father of Mrs. Minnie Zimmermann, William, Lulu and Albert Wolfrum, our dear father-in-law and grandfather, at the age of 68 years. Remains will lie in state at the Beiderwieden chapel, 1934 St. Louis avenue, until 5 p. m.

Wednesday, Interment at Jefferson City. Mo. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ALEXANDER UNDERTAKER THE Commodious Parlor Gratis. Bomont 461. 2835 OLIVE.

Central 4169. LOST AND FOUND CANTEEN -Lost; containing money, jewelry key, Call Grand 1492W: reward. COIN PURSE -Lost, containing about $3, on Maryland car. Cabany 6503J. DOG- Found, black with little tan; white breast: bob tail.

Lindell 1126. DOG- Lost, fox terrier, tan and white: name Teddy; license 14078; reward. 3932 Page. DOG -Lost, bob-tailed Irish terrier, brownish red, white on chest: liberal reward. J.

G. Lewis. Phone Webster 294. DOG -Lost; male beagle hound; white dog. black and brown spotted; license No.

reward. Phone Cabany 3727W. LA VALLIERE Lost; set with 4 small diamond settings. Return Mrs. Reinke, Y.

W. C. 1411 Locust. Olive 4875. Reward.

PARCEL--Blue silk; reward. 4552 Harris. Colfax 2066J. Lost; leather, containing money, checks and business cards between Allee ave. and Branch liberal reward.

Phone Central 9246J or Central 4057. NECKLACE- -Lost, Friday p. diareward. Phone East 2641. RING--Lost.

wedding ring. Sunday; reward. Laclede 180R. 5518 Idaho. SUIT CASE -Lost; old; containing fresh laundered clothes.

Phone Delmar 3520J. Lindell 4909W. Reward. WATCH--Lost: lady's goid: initials L. P.

ent case: liberal reward. Call Lindell 3737. WRIST WATCH--Lost, between Pageant Theater and 5701 De Giverville; keepsake; reward. 5701 De Giverville. Joe Garavelli.

WHIST WATCH -Lost; lady's marked M. Xmas, 1919, at Junior High School, Winter Garden or between; reward. Room 398. V. Euclid.

Forest 165. FOUND -Valuable piece of jewelry; owner must furnish, without any question, positive proof of ownership together with proof of original purchase of this article. Answering this advertisem*nt, specify your loss, giving detailed description. Box 0-524, St. Louis Star.

SPECIAL NOTICES TR. R. C. COLEMAN. Dentist, formerly 2340 Market now located at 6225 Fasten ave.

Pell. Cabany 4879W: Kinloch, Delmar 635R. MRS. HARDCASTLE is giving her first Masquerade Party at the Hamilton Hotel, Wednesday evening, January 12th. Admission 75c, including war tax.

Hardcastle orchestra. AUTOMOBILES COLPE-1918 Oakland: newly painted, overhauled. 3436 Lindell. ROADSTER Scripp-Booth, 1918 model motor in first-class condition: 5 good tires, with white wire wheels: new paint; good battery: new leather top; this real buy for $475 cash. Velle.

2938 Olive st. Dodge, 1920: nearly new: sure real money: easy terms. 2601 Locust. rolet. for sale; perfect condin: bargain.

3808 West Pine. Lindell 6221. KING Saxon Six. 1920, demonstrator; 8275 down, easy terms. 2801 Locust st.

Roment 1262. Central 7170. BUICK-1920: 4-passenger touring car. This car is just like new and will sell at A big sacrifice. Phone Forest 7847J.

1920. at less than cost. Weber Motor Car 1817 Locust st. DORRIS rebuilt cars and trucks are guaranteed. Dorris Motor Car 4100 Laclede.

Ford Roadster, Brand New At a big discount; 12 months to pay. Open nights, Sunday. HUBER-WILSON, 2601 Locust St. FORD TRUCK-1-ton, worm drive: express body: slightly used; easy terms. 2320 Olive.

Pulli trucks, $25 per month; new or used. 2320 Olive. FORD- new or used: cash 0, time. Barnett Sales 2815 Locust. POND SEDAN- regular Ford starter: demountable; car equal to new: cheap; terms, S.

Jefferson: open evenings. FORD TRUCKS 1919, light delivery: open express body: perfect: terms. 2320 Olive st. FORDS Touring, roadsters and all kinds of trucks: east terms. 3112-14 Cass.

FORD COUPE, BRAND NEW At a big discount; 12 months to pay. Open nights, Sunday. HUBER-WILSON, 2601 Locust St. FOR used cars see Weber Implement and Auto Company. Nineteenth and Locus' Ford Touring, Brand New At a big discount; 12 months to pay; open nights, Sunday.

HUBER-WILSON, 2601 Locust St. GIBSON FOR USED CARS. 3120 LOCUST ST. KNIGHT sells autos, $50 up: 20 Ford sedans, 1512 roadsters: 50 others. Locust.

LARGE assortment standard makes exchanged cars, rebuilt, repainted: prices right: liberal terms. WILSON MOTOR 2921 Locust st SEE PACKARD FIRST. USED CARS AND USED TRUCKS. SEA BARRNIT AUTO SALES for good used cars, Terms to suit. 4630 Olive street.

Forest 1997. GOOD USED CARS OF ALL MAKES. From 30 to 50 to choose from, Touring Cars, Roadsters, Coupe and Sedans, At a saving of $100 to $300 in the next sixty days. TERMS From $150 down 19. $100 halance monthly.

YOUNG. 2814 Locust FORD SEDAN, BRAND NEW At a big discount; 12 months to pay. Open nights, Sunday. HUBER-WILSON. 2601 Locust.

GMC Used Truck Department stake body and cab. REO SPEEDWAGON Delivery body and cab, good condition; newly painted. DORRIS -ton; screen body; newly painted. PACKARD-3-ton; chassis and cab. Prices Right.

Terms to the Worthy. General Motors Truck 2807 OLIVE ST. Bomont 342 Central 1878 USED CARS Olive at 23d St. in pack will RI Nicely Room: JUST WHAT YOU WANT HERE. -MALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE books audited or kept; daily, weekly or monthly calls; systems installed: tax service.

Phone Olive 266. CHAUFFEUR and mechanice; best references. Write J. C. Jenkins.

4259 West Belle. CHAUFFEUR- -Married, wants private place; nine years with last place; give best reference. Box 0-159. Star. CHAUFFEUR- colored: expertenced, competent, reliable married man: give best references.

Address Box 0-523. St Tonis Star. GARAGE MAN- Colored, handle any make car, wants job. Bomont 1848. HOUSE, yard or any kind of work, 1 to 4 days per week.

Cabany 3946. MAN- Colored to do labor or most any kind work. Married. Lindell 4433W. SITUATIONS -FEMALE 000K -Reliable by week or cleaning and laundry work by day.

Lindell 1575M. 000K-Sit. by colored woman; first -class Cement 2123W: eltr references. DRESSMAKER- Plain and fancy sewing: will call for and deliver work; satisfaction guaranteed: references. Bomont 1604.

GIRL -Neat, colored. 83 elevator operator; experienced. Lindell 3172W. GIRL. -Colored.

wants work of any kind; no Sunday work. Bomont 2189J. GIRL Colored, wants housework after school. Phone Bedella. Forest 7263R.

LAUNDRESS- -Wants laundry work. Bomont 1848. LAL DRESS Wants every day. Call Bomont 1848. LAUNDRESS or cleaning by day.

Bonont 3208. LAUNDRESS or cleaning. Call Lucille, Lindell 4552W. LAUNDRESS Laundry work every day In week. Lindell 2935W.

LAUNDRESS -White woman to take bundles home: good work: references. Cabany 758. LAUNDRESS or cleaning, for first fonr days of week. A. Jackson, Bomont 2823J.

LAUNDRESS- -Sit. by colored; for Monday and Thursday; or housegirl. Call Lindell 6239 R. LAUNDRESS Sit. by colored; experienced; days out; $3.15 day.

Call Forest 2769 W. SEAMSTRESS- neat: colored, to help in tailor shop or sew by the day. Lindell 2304 R. STENOGRAPHER- Expert, desires position afternoons only: $18 week Tyler 1851M. WOMAN- Colored; day work.

Blanche Woods. Bomont 2791W. WOMAN- Wants work; house or laundry. Lindell 2988M. BUSINESS COLLEGES JONE BUSINESS COLLEGE.

1023 N. Grand. Lindell 5130. Delmar 8100. EDUCATIONAL MODERN School of Languages.

Italian, French, English. 3663 Linde.1. Lin. 1941. DANCING, DRAMATIC CAVE Dancing Academy, Olive and 29th st.

Dancing Sun, afternoon and every evening, except Mondays. Classes every Wed. Friday evenings; also Thurs. Sat. afternoons.

DANCE under the ball of a Million Jewels. The most unique and spectacular lighting effect ever invented. Every dancer is actually the novelty when the device is in operation. A dazing transformation unlike anything you have ever seen. Come and enjoy the sensation.

Every Sat. Sun. eve. Cave Dancing 29th-Olive. DO I DANCE the latest steps? I'll say I do: I just can't make my feet behave since to a term of lessons at Adams' private dancing school, 3965 West Pine.

Lin. 4745, MASQUERADE and Domino Dance Saturday night, January 15, at Cave Dancing Academy, Twenty-ninth and Olive streets: $100 in cash and valuable prizes given away for the nandsomest, most comical, best character and twin costumes. Dancing from 8 p. m. until 2 a.

IN. Grand march at 10:30 p. m. PLAY popular songs in 20 lessons. Free catalog.

Christensen School. Holland Bldg. TRADE SCHOOLS AUTOMOBILE MECHANICAL SCHOOL. Gasoline and steam engineering: reduced prices, good positions guaranteed without additional cost: ex-service men and others see Capt. Berry, 3010 Washington, St.

Louis. BARBER TRADE- -Men and women. day or night; wages paid; tnition $25: catalog free. Tri-City Barber College, 811 Market st. LEARN moving picture operating, telegraphy, electricity: engineering.

Glen. 1007 Chestnut MECHANICAL -SEE THE DAVID RANKEN. SCHOOL MECHANICAL TRADES. Learn a Profitable Trade. Good wages and steady work for competent men.

Train in the school conducted by leading auto dealers and manufacturers. Auto Mechanics, Machine Shop Practice, Automotive Electricity, Welding. Battery Work. Vulcanizing, Drafting. Write for free catalog.


St. Louis. BOOKS -PERIODICALS ANY book or magazine on machinery published cate Poster'e 110 Washintgon. BUSINESS EQUIPMENT SAFES -New and used. expert mechanics.


19TH ST. CENTRAL 2812. BUILDING MATERIALS CANVAS for concreter and builders. Factory samples. Big Joe, 708A North Third.

FUEL AND FEED COAL -Clean, forked: immediate delivery; $6. Coltax 78, Central 51. per ton, COAL direct from mines. $5.75, $6.25, $6.75. Central 5741, Tyler 1309.

FEED those pullets Mulligan mash, you will certainly get the eggs; scratch feed. $2.75 ver 100 lbs. Victor Seed 4239-41 Easton. Lindell 243J. HEN FEED- High grade, $2.70 per 100 lbs.

D. Cordes 1926 S. 12th st. BEST COAL IN THE MARKET $6.50 AND $7.50 PER TON. Special deliveries.

Central 768. 2007 Gamble. COAL FROM MINE $8.50 and $7.00 per ton, 3-ton lots. Central 1481, Olive 2202. HOUSEHOLD GOODS BRASS BEDS- Single; complete; nearly new.

Forest 756. all CHAIRS- -For sale; crowded house of kinds of furniture; will sell to dealers, wholesale in carload lots and free. Lev Bros. 311-313-315 South 14th st. COAL RANGE -And heater: like new: at cost Cabany 4698J: 5723 Easton.

price. DAVENETTE- cover. 1401 Missouri avenue. FURNITURE Of beautiful apartment, West End; and Victrola. Forest 1512.

FURNITURE -For sale: new and slightly used dressers, chiffoniers, wardrobes, dining suites, davenettes, rugs, carpets, brass and iron beds, springs and mattresses; very large assortment at half the price: credit to relfable people. We will buy, more or store your goods. Prosser's. 3218-20 Olive. Bomont 807: Central 5532.

GAS RANGE -Buck's high-oven: good as new; good condition. 6708 Vermont. KANGES- Renewed Quick Meal and other standard makes; A1 condition: delivered and connected: $18 up: Others as low as $5. Prosser's. 3220 Olive, EANGES Combination Bridge Beach, Garat land and Baker: almost new: sell low Levy 311-313-315 14th.

price. RUGS For sale: all sizes: alightis used, rensanitary: look like new: some very orated, high grade; one-haif price. Prosser's, 3220 1419 Spruce st. Everything Olive st. RUGS AXMINSTER AND VELVET: VERY GOOD QUALITY: THESE RUGS ARE BRAND NEW: AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES.

BENSINGER FERN. STOVE 1011 MARKET ST. SWEEPER condition; bargain. Forest 4767 W. gas water beat.

$15, InMiz. Lin. 3080. stalled: guar. Manning MACHINERY TOOLS MOTORS- -Large stock single 3-phase.

HE Fullerton Olive 6370. SUPERIOR Mechines are the best: can prove it. Office and sbon. 18 Lucas AT. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE STOVE REPAIRS A.

G. BRAUER SUPPLY 316-318 North Third. AUCTION SALES. Railway Express Sales Bureau. American claimed express and salvage offered for sale; of all kinds: tools: wearing farm implements sewing machines: automobi'e high speed steel: apparel; sories: auto tires: millinery; of all kinds: shnes: books: iron and steel talking machines; dishes; dresses; baby clothes, etc.

Private sales carriages: day except auction days. Auction Moababy every day and Thursday at 10 a. in. THE ST. LOUIS STAR ROOMS- FURNISHED McPHERSON.

39454-Nicely furnished room, steam beat, free phone; all conveniences. OLIVE. 4.28 -Nicely furnished room, in steam heated 3rd floor. Apt. B.

PAGE. Neatly furnished rooms; private family. Lindell 4838W. SHENANDOAH, 3811-1 large furnished front room, gentlemen or couple employed. Grand 405cM.

SUBURBAN, 6011 A- light housekeeping rooms: 3 car lines. Cabany 6115J. VERNON. 5742-Rooms; tirst-class board; every convenience; home cooking. Forest 4241M.

WASHINGTON 4451-Neatly furnished rooms; all conveniences. Forest 9125J. WASHINGTON 4617-Furnished room, gentlemen or couple employed. Forest W. WHITTEMORE, 2339 -Two rooms; 1st class; gas, electric, hot water: private family, FURNISHED ROOM--AIL modern conventen vs: references required.

Forest 15373. FRONT ROOM- Beautifully furnished; every convenience: Hodiamont and Union cars. Forest 4088R. COUPLE Wanted refined couple to share expensive home. Cab.

435.: Del. 16861. ROOMS UNFURNISHED FAMOUS. 6276 rooms: large yard and nice basem*nt. Phone Benton 1083R.

SHENANDOAH, 3811-3 unfurnished rooms: light housekeeping: heat, light gas fur nished. Grand 4056M. WASHINGTON, 3123 4 rooms and kitchenette for colored. Bomont 1802R. UNION MARKET RESTAURANT.

WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT- Wanted: by young couple; 5 or 6 rooms; in West End: nothing less than 8 months, from February 1st will be considered. Address Box N-382, St. Louts Star. CITY PROPERTY BRICKLAYER -Wanted, to buy 2906 Laciede: nothing down. Ask Knight.

1512 Locust. COTTAGE FOR SALE. Am leaving the city and must sell my brick cottage near Manchester and Kingsbighway: has four rooms, bath, furnace. WIll give immediate possession: $1,000 cash or more. If you want to buy a bargain, answer this ad.

Price only 84.950 0-530. Star. 1127 HEREFORD STREET. 1 block from Kingshighway and Manchester: brick cottage of 4 rooms, tiled bath, furnace with hot-water coil, electric fixtures; newly decorated and painted throughout; now vacant and ready to move into; cash payment, balance like rent. Call for key to inspect.

GOLDMAN REALTY 122 Chestnut St. SUBURBAN PROPERTY BUNGALOWS- Bight are nearing completion ROOMS WITH BOARD CLARENDON AVE. 916A -Nicely furnished room: conveniences; board optional. Forest 9049 DELMAR, 3730 -Room and board, $7 week up; gentlemen. Lindell 2612R.

DELMAR 3706-Warin rooms with good home cooked meals; all convenjences; reas. DILLON, 1224 Board and room for young working women; home comforts; reasonable. Young Women's Boarding Home. MAPLE, 5177-Young lady roommate wanted: good board; all conveniences. Forest 196.

OAKLAND. 4510A -Rooms. with or without board: also light housek'p'g Gr. 4572 R. BUSSELL, 3919.

-Single room for gentleman; good board: all conveniences. Grand 58. DON BOUL. 4296 ROOMS. STEAM HEAT: RUNNING WATER; EXCELLENT MEALS.

LINDELL 1297. WISE. 4951-Two furnished rooms and board: men or couple. Grand 3161J. WHERE TO EAT "OH -That 5 o'clock dinner at MALONEY'S at Lockwood and Sylvester Webster.

5 to 7 rooms, tile and stucco construction. WEBSTER GROVES TRUST Agent. WRITE -For our suburban sale list and map. WEBSTER GROVES TRUST CO. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEVERAGE PARLOR -Doing good business.

Tyler 737M. SHOP Complete; doing good bust3190 Grand. GROCERY Good location. Call Victor 474R. RESTAURANT- Good business; sacrifice for quick sale, account sickness.

2312 Olive. STOCKS, BONDS WE will pay spot cash and no extra charges for all Issues of Liberty Bonds. MARK C. STEINBERG 201 Boatmen's Bank BI WE offer, subject, anr part or 100 American Scrubbing Machine 3.00 100 Boston- Wyoming Oil 1,000 Betty Allen .60 50 Choate Oil 3.00 10 Commonwealth Finance, com. 14.00 5 Commonwealth Finance pid 45.00 3,000 Congressional Oil 200 General Oil 5,000 Harvey Crude Oil .12 500 Inspiration Oil and Refining .30 1,000 Invaders of Texas 500 Invaders of Oklahoma 1.85 50 Industrial Trapeportation 3.50 10 Long Green oil Gas Bargain 500 Manhattan Texas ,00 3,000 Marizold 011 Reflu'ne 5 Metropolitan Stores, pf4.

65.00 5 Metropolitan Stores, com. 40.00 50 Missouri Iron and Steel 3.25 100 Missouri Sweets Units 10.00 National Oil K. new 16.00 10 Night and Day Bank 105.00 500 Normandy oil 1.15 500 Noco Petroleum 1.30 1,000 Oklatoma Oil Refining .10 500 old Dominion P'etroleum 80 500 Texiouana 011 .23 100 Traffic Truck 14.00 500 Turman Oil 900 Ute ou 100 United Texas ..37 200 United Drilling Development 1.00 00 50 Watters Corporation, pfd. 10.00 50 Wattera Corporation, com. 12.00 And many other stocks.

We buy, trade or loan money on any active stocks or bonds. Get in touch with us. we can give you service. FL. KATTELMAN COMPANY.

803 Central National Bank Bldg. Olive 2253. Long Distance 1, MONEY TO LOAN MONEY Icaned on autotnobiles: DO mortgages. Auto Anction 1210 Olive st. MONEY loaned on antomobiles, deeds of trust, stocks.

bonds and all securities. Commercia! Securities 310 Chemical Bide M. EX LAN OX ALL, OF VALCE -Highest price paid for diamonds, Broadway Lorn Jewelre Co. 612 North Broadway. MoNEY ivaned on automobiles, stocks, bonds and all securities.

Northwestern Brokerage 934-5 Boatmen's Bank Bldg. Olive 3771 REAL ESTATE LOANS -MONEY TO IDAN- On city real estate, withont delay; no charge fer papers; lowest rates. See KORTE RUST I TTY CO 816 Chestnut. LEGAL NOTICES. St.

Louis, January 12, 1921. Notice la hereby civen that a special ing of the stockholders of the International Shoe Company will be held in the directora' room at the offices of the company, 1505 Washington avenue, St. Louis, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. oft Monday, March 14, 1921, take a rote upon propositions then and there to be submitted to the stockholders for the purpose of dissolving this corporation and effecting a of reorganization of the Delaware, corporation under the lawn the State of on a basis substantially as set forth in the resoIntions of the Board of Directors of the corporation unanimously adopted at a meeting held on the 6th day of January, 1921, which resolutions are hereunto attached and made a part of this notice. F.

C. Band, President: Jamison; C. Reese, H. C. Stribling: Jackson Johnson; C.

H. Peters: E. H. Peter: F. W.

Peters: H. W. Petera; J. T. Pettu: F.

A. Sudholt. Secretary; A. W. Johnson; W.

H. Moulton; T. Moreno: J. C. Roberta: 6.

M. Tipton; R. N. Warmack: Griffin Watkias: Horton Watkins: D. E.

Woods, a Majority of All the Directors. RESOLUTIONS, viz: That the Board of Directors of the International Shoe Company it advisable and for the best interests of this organization and of its stockholders, in order to meet the natural growth and of the business of this corporation. that reorganization of the corporation shonid be fected, and do recommend to its stockholders that they do cause to be formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Delaware, for the purpose of taking over the business of this corporation on substantially the following basie, viz: (a) "That the total number of shares of the capital stock authorized and which may issued by the Delaware corporation shall be one million hundred fifty thonand (1.650,- 000) shares, of which two hundred fifty thousand (230.000) shares, of the per value of one hundred (8100.00) dollars each, shall be pree ferred stock, and one million, four hundred thousand (1.400,000) shares shall be common stock, without any nominal or par ralue. "That the preferred and common stock of the Delaware corporation shall have the followine priorities, preferences, voting power, restrictions and qualifications: (b) "The holders of record of the preferred stock shall be entitled to receive, when and an declared by the Board of Directors of the corporation, out of the surplus or net profits of the corporation, dividends at the rate of, bat not exceeding. 8 per centurn per annum from the date of incorporation of the Delaware poration for, in case of stock subsequent to that date, from the date of determined by the Board of Directors of the Delaware corporation and so expressed in the certificate of stock), payable 1 per cent on the first day of Jannary, one-balf of 1 per cent on the Erst day of February, one-half of 1 per cent on the first day of March.

1 per cent the first day of April, one-half of cent the first day of May, one-half of 1 per cent 17 LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICES. C. W. Kranse, 3, 2819 Blair.

Mary Augusta Frederick, Heuer, 82, 61, 5567 Enright. Barbara 3801 Texas. Sophia Fox, 27. 71, 5024 2238A Kensington, Shenandoch, J. Choriinsky, 55, 1337A D.

Amma C. Otto, 4873 Carter. Goodfellow. Carter, 171 Bertha. G.

Wegand, Butler, 2, 4302A Florissant. Virginia J. R. H. Harmon, 65, 1 2038 month, E.

John. Annie Wumsch, 58; 3439 2651 Missouri. Keokuk. C. Mary C.

J. Sigman, 4230 Chouteau. J. Coaxke, Bell, 65, 4109 Manchester. Page.

J. Plagemann, Hessenkemper, 12, 5566 Bradly. H. E. 68.

1318 Monroe. Lacie Mercurio, 17, 5216A G. Becker, 48, 2617 Bischot. F. Williams, 64, 703 N.

Palm. Emma 64, 919 Caroril. Eighteenth. P. B.

Bates, 3 Helen Marie M. DeGuentz, Shriner, 10 1 month, 3105 Kimberly. days, 4843 Labadie, J. 8. Diel, 62, 4606 months, Virginia.

Leffingwell. W. Holtn. 28. 2210 N.

Fourteenth. Allce F. Punsten, 54, 5915 Cabanne. Frederika Langstrass, 84, 3616 Castleman. C.

Willenbrink, 73. 3938 Hartford. Matilda C. Kranefus8, 54, 2629 Alien. Nellie Wagle, 30, 6100 Gambleton.

Wilhelmina Reik. 77, 2215 Carr. EMETERIES -MONUMENTS VALHALLA The Cemetery Beautiful Perpetual care. Both phones. MEMORIAL PARK DRY GRAVES ASSURED.

Non-Sectarian. Perpetasi Care. Both phones. Lacas and Hunt Roads. DEATHS ALDRICH- -Entered into rest on Monday, January 10, 1921, at 8:30 p.

Harry S. Aldrich, beloved husband of Louise Aldrich sieger), dear father of Mrs. Ruth Verdy (nee Aldrich), Harry. Gertrude, Elsie, Le Roy and Albert Aldrich, our da. cather-in-law, brother-in-law and unele.

Funeral from residence, 4013 North Twenty-second street, Thursday, January 13. 1:30 p. to Holy Trinity Church, to Friedens Cemetery. Deceased was a member of Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butchers Workman of N. A Local No.

355. ANDERSON-Entered into rest on Tuesday, January 1921. at Rena Anderson (nee Bentley), of Bloomsdale, dear wife of Dr. Hans Anderson, dear mother of Lillian, Glennwood, Dorris and John, dear daughter of John P. and Mrs.

Sarah Bentley, dear sister of Roy Bentley. Funeral Friday, January 14, at 9 a. from the Kriegshauser parlors, 4321 Olive street. to Memorial Park Cemetery. Friends invited.

St. Genevieve, papers please copy. BADGLEY-On Monday, January 10, 1921, at 6 p. Edward J. Badgley his residence in Belleville, passed beloved away at father of Calvin J.

and Badgley of St. Louis, Emma Hall of Tulsa, Ben Badgley, Wichita Falls, James A. Badgley of Belleville, and grandehildren, Russil, Seller and Calvina Badgley of St. Louis. Due notice of funeral later.

Archer (Neb.) papers please copy. BOECK-On Sunday, January 9, 1921, Julius Oscar Boeck, beloved husband of Otillie Boeck (nee Kuenzel), dear son of Mrs. A. Boeck, dear brother of Charlotte, Elsie Robinson. Martha Greffet and our dear brother-in-law, uncle and nephew.

Funeral from Weick funeral home, 2201 South Grand avenue, of Friday, January 14, at 2 p. to New St. Marcus Cemetery. Deceased was a member of Garrison (N. Lodge ..0.

90, A. F. and A. M. BRUNS -Entered into rest at St.

Charles, on Tuesday. January 11, 1921, at 2 d. at the age of 78 years, John W. Brans, beloved father of Benjamin F. Bruns, grandfather of Marguerite Purgabn (nee Bruns), Leliatta and Elva Bruns.

Funeral from the residence of his son, 122 North Second street, Thursday at 1:30 p. m. Interment at Oak Grove Cemetery, Sedalia (Mo.) papers please copy. CLARK- France, June 28. 1918, William Audrey Clark, sergeant of Company No.

96, 6th Regiment, U. S. beloved son of Kitty and the late William Clark, dear brother of Glen. Emma, Mande. John.

Albert and the late Floyd Clark, in his 25th year. Remains will arrive Wednesday, January 12, at 9 a. m. Funeral Thursday, January 13, 1921, at 8:30 a. from Peetz chapel, 2739 Lafayette avenue, to St.

Margaret's Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. CLARKSON- Entered into rest on Tuesday, January 11, 1921, at 4:30 p. Bridget Merick Clarkson, widow of the late William Clarkssen and our dear mother. Funeral will take place from the residence, 5647 Chamberlain avenne, CEL Friday, January 14, at 8:50 8. to St.

Rose's Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. Please omit flowers. CUMMINS -Suddenly, on a Tuesday, January 11, 1921, at 6.30 a. William M. Cummins, beloved husband of Otillie Cummins and our dear father, father-in-law, brother, gra -dfather nad grent-grandfather, at the age of 64 years.

Funeral from residence, 2727A Meramec street, on Friday, January 14, at 2 p. to New St. Marcus Cemetery. Deceased was a member of Blackwell Lodge No. 535.

A. F. and A. Blackwell, and Modern Woodmen of America, Camp No. 3605.

DENNY- Entered into rest on Monday, Janunry 10, 1921. at 11 a. Charles J. Denny, beloved husband of Mary Denny (nee Siockhaus), father of Agnes, Charles, Matthew, Edward, Eugene and Mary and dear brother of Mary Denny. Funeral Thursdaf, January 13, at 8:30 a.

from residence. 1214 Morrison avenue, to St. Vincent De Paul Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. DURIC -Entered into rest ou Wednesday, January 12, 1921, at 8:15 a. Mary Duric, widow of Alex Durie.

beloved mother of John, Alex and George Durie and Mrs. Joseph Crawford, sister of Mrs. Nettie Theisen. Funeral will take place from the family residence, 308A North Euclid avenue, Due notice of time will be given. FLYNN- Entered into rest on Tuesday, January 11, 1921, at 9:43 D.

Margaret Flynn (nee' Gallagher), widow of the late John Flynn, mother of the late Edward J. Flynn. Funeral will take place from Arthir J. Donnelly'8 funeral parlors, 3816 Lindell boulevard, on Friday, January 14, at 8:30 a. to St.

Rose's Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Deceased was a member of St. Sodality of St. Leo's Parish and Ladies' Auxiliary Branch No.

28, K. F. M. FORTUNE -At rest. Ellen Fortune (nee Ford), wife of Luke Carroll Fortune and mother of Carrie, Nellie and James Fortune and Mrs.

F. X. Groschan, at 6:30 a. January 11, 1921. Funeral Thursday at 9 8.

m. at St. Peter's Church. Kirkwood. Interment private.

Wheeling (W. Va.) papers please copy. -On Monday, January 10, 1921, at 12:15 p. Pauline Franke (Dee Hoyer) of 2126 Allen avenue, beloved wife of FredW. Franke, dear mother of Anna J.

erick Franke and Mrs. Freida Laichinger (nee Franke), our dear sister, sister-in-law. mother-in-law, grandmother and aunt, aged 62 years, 2 months and 18 days. Funeral from Schumacher's funeral home, 3013 Meramee street, Thursday. January 13, at 2 p.

111.. to New St. Marcus' Cemetery. GRUNOW -Entered into rest on Tuesday, Jan11, 1021, at 4 2. Charlotta Grunary (nee Beier), widow of the late Fred now Grunow.

dear mother of Mrs. Wedo Goldman, Mrs. Herman Traflet. George and Oscar Grunow, dear sister of Mrs. Annie Foreman and Fred Beier and our dear grandmother and great 13.

grandmother. at 2 Funeral Thursday, January p. from residence, 3939 Cote Brilliante avenue, thence to Bethania Cemetery. HARDT-Entered into rest on Tuesday, Jan11, 1921, at 3 a. Engelbert Hardt, nary brother of Joseph Hardt of Fort dear Smith, dear uncle of Joseph and Nicholas Becker of Fort Smith, and Marie Neumeier of Scranton, aged 80 years.

Due notice of funeral from the Robert funeral parlors, 1905 South Grand avenue, will be given later. HOWARD- -Entered into rest on Wednesday, 12, 1921, at 5:45 Thomas S. January Howard, beloved husband of Josephine Howard (nee Herbert), dear father of William, Joseph, Herbert, Thomas and Cecelia Howard, dear son of William and Mary, Howard (nee Denoyea) and our dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle. aged 40 months and 16 days. Funeral years, from residence.

62014 South Notice of time later. JACOBS- On Monday, January 10. 1921, Fan B. Jacobs, beloved wife of Dr. Gus E.

Jacobs, darling mother of Margaret and Jonas Jacobs, dear daughter of Mrs. Jennie Gallant and dear sister. Funeral from Berger chapel, 4715 McPherson avenue, on Thursday, January 13, at 1:30 p. In. KAUFMANN -Entered into rest Tuesday, January 11, 1921, at the age of 53 rears, Samuel F.

Kaufmann, dearly beloved busband of Caroline Kaufmann (nee Ort), father of Fred and Morris Kantmann and Isabella Kesper (nee Kaufmann), our dear brother, father-in-law, brother-in-law, uncle and grandfather. Funeral Thursday, January 13, at 2 p. from residence, 2018 Victor street. Deceased was a member of Elks' Camp 277, W. 0.

W. Helena (Mont.) papers please copy. KLEEKAMP- On Sunday, January 9, 1921, at 7:20 p. Joseph A. Kleekamp, dearly beloved husband of Bernardie A.

Klee(nee Fleiter), dear father of Jennie Heideman (nee Kleekamp). Joseph W. Kleekamp kamp, Kathrine Andrew Murdock R. (nee Kleekamp Kleekamp), Steve. H.

and dear father-in-law, brother. brother-in-law ancle, aged 61 Fears. Funeral from the and residence of bis daughter, Birs. Edward Murdock. 3126A Texss avenue, on Thursday, January 13, at 8:50 a.

St. sS. Francis Peter de Sales' Church, thence to and Pan's Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. Deceased was a member of St.

Peter's Branch No, 60. W. C. Society. St.

Francis de Sales Benerelent Married Man's Sodality and St. Vincent Orphan Society. into rest on Tuesday. JanMathilda Krusz (nee KRUSZ--Entered vary 11. 1921.

Anna Roettger), beloved wife of J. Krusz of Marian Krust and danghand mother ter of August and Elizabeth Roettger. FuWagoner chapel, 8621 olive from Thursday, January 13. at 2:50 p. m.

street. Interment in St. Paul's Cemetery. KOSSENJANS-On Tuesday, January 11, 1921, TOWING -REPAIRING PAINTING -TRIMMING. BERTRAND MOTOR CAR CO.

4130 OLIVE ST. YOU'VE found the house that good service built, when you stop at 1808-10 Michigan ave. for your auto repairs. We call for and deliver your car when we have repaired it. We also bring in smashups and wrecks and repair them at low cost.

Compton Heights Garage, 1808-10 Michigan Grand 5441. GARAGES GARAGE -For rent; room for 2 cars. 2339 Whittemore pl. GARAGE For rent; large. 5110 Cates are.

Phone Forest 461M. AUTOMOBILES WANTED AUTOMOBILES- any condition. Cash paid. 3029 S. Jefferson.

Call Sidney 1668. FORDS Wanted: small cars; motorcycles; best cash. Sell $15 up. 1512 Locust. HUP 32 With starter and lights; condition DO object.

4005 W. Florissant ave. Colfax 230. KNIGHT Wants automobiles and motor cles badly; spot cash: 1512 Locust. Olive 93.

BUSINESS SERVICES A YALE KEY IN ONE MINUTE: locksmithing: auto kers. Rapid Key 905 Chestnut CONCRETE clothesline posts, set up, $2 apiece: last forever. 4808 Leduc. For. 8437J.

GARRISON Laundry: wet wash, 6e a pound, 3001 Easton. Central 12901. LADIES habit yourself to MOLER service in hairdressing, manicuring, etc. Don't worry over stringy hair when we give a shampoo and hairdressing for 35 cents. MOLER HAIRDRESSING COLLEGE, 810 NORTH SIXTH STREET.

Second floor. NOW is the time to get a real -job of electrical work for real price; satisfaction guaranteed. B. Williams. 4708 McMillan.

Forest 2261J. Delmar 3614R. REMOVING CONCRETE -Graner Contracting Co. Grand 5490. Victor 236.

YALE KEY- -Duplicated. guaranteed: 25c; others 10c no. Pickel, 1601 Chestnut. YALE kays made and guaranteed: expert locksmith. Prentis, 1227 Market.

TWO PERFECT YALE KEYS in one minute. Auto keys and keys for every purpose. Mound City Key Works, 6th and Pine sts. BUILDING AMERICAN HDW. REPAIR SUP.

PLY LIN. 644. DEL. 630. 4312 OLIVE CLEANING- RENOVATING CAN save you money on wall paper cleaning and painting.

Stophlet, Forest 6673R. VACUUM Cleaners rented. Best of bousecleaning: $2 delivered. Lindell 5130. GLOBE CARPET CLEANING 2624 Olive st.

Central 4904. Bomont 852. WALL PAPER cleaned. all rooms, bath, 25c. Star Cleaners Grand 1064.

DETECTIVES DETECTIVE- secret investigations for individuals and corporations. Jones. Bomont 3070J. DRESSMAKING, MILLINERY FREDA DETJEN, School of Dressmaking, 506 N. Vandeventer.

Lindell 4998. ELECTRIC WIRING, ETC. SQUARE DEAL ELEC. FACTORY OR HOUSE WIRING, We wire for less. Olive 5463.


630. 4312 OLIVE. PLUMBING and heating that is sure to please. Shifrin, 614 Hamilton. Cab.

3450J. VAPOR HEAT. better than steam or hot water, less care and less fuel. Can easily be installed in old houses or flats. DANIEL HOGAN.

Heating Contractor. Chestnut. Olive 4504. MOVING- STORAGE CENTRAL MOVING Piano movers, 207 N. 11th st.

Olive 3031. Central 4965. HAULING WANTED 2-ton dump truck, by day, week or contract; ashes or any kind of hauling. Grand 2834W. LEONORI STORAGE CO.

Fireproof warehouse for safe storage of household goods; pianos, move, pack, ship; best service: consign your goods our care. Lindell 6620. Delmar 4703. SCHMUCKE H. S.

CO. 110 N. Tenth st. Heavy hauling. hoisting, lowering and moving of safes and machinery.

Olive 1906. Central 1072. STORE WITH PROSSER'S We offer the best storage facilities in the city at a reasonable charge: phone ne. Central 5532. Bomont 807.

Moving, packing and shinning. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATEN applications prepared. Eicks Patents Co. 378 Arcade Main 1688. PAINTING DECORATING CAN save you money on wall paper cleaning and painting.

Stophlet, Forest 6673R. RooMS papered, $5 up; work guaranteed. Victor 1548R. 4657 8 Grand. ROOMS papered, $6 up: cleaning.

all work guaranteed. Bomont 659. WALL PAPER- Rooms papered. 86 and up; samples submitted. Forest 6974J.

HELP -MALE BAKER-PASTRYMEN -Hotels city and country. National 110 N. 6th st. BOY- Wanted for downtown messenger service: must be out of 8th grade; it under 16 bring permit. Room 210 Security Building.

4th Locust. CABINET MAKERS -Experienced. StandteRueckoldt 112 Soulard. CARD WRITER -And window decorator wanted; experienced. Apply by letter, stating full particulars.

HESS CULBERTSON JEWELRY COMPANY. Seventh and St. Charles. MEN- General work: $21 week to start. See Mathews, 15 N.

Ninth st. MEN- -Factory work; $25 to $30 to start. See Mathews, N. Ninth st. YOUNG -Light factory work; $18 to $30 start: advancement.

Anderson, 15 N. 9th. YOUNG MEN- -Over 21 years: travel; call on grocery stores; experinece unnecessary: salary or commission. Sizz, 4222 Easton. HELP WANTED- FEMALE COOK- -Colored; room on place; wages $10 per week 5972 Cates.

HOUSEWORK Experienced white girl. 4521 Forest Park blvd. Forest 1917W. HOUSEWORK- Girl, for general housework; small family; white prefered. 5145 Enright.

Forest 6939J. LOOSE LEAF BINDER- American Loose-Leat Binder 321 Olive st. NURSE Wanted to take care year-old child; must be experienced and have best of refences: 20od hotne and highest wages. Phone Webster 820. -Small legal concern downtown: $125.

See Misg Luckey, Business Service Sth And Olive. VEGETARLE GIRL--Apply steward, Washington Hotel. A. Employment Department. 1411 Locust, is at the service of girls and women seeking employment in offices, stores or factories: expert adrice also given 00 methods of increasing one's efficiency.

Service free. HELP--MALE OR FEMALE CLERKS Women and men in big demand for government positions: experience not neces411 Holland Bide. ALL men and women over 18 desiring permanent government positions at St. Louis shouid call or write immediately: complete, reliable information free. Mr.

Ozment, Arcade Ride. St. Louie, Mo. clerks wanted (men-wumen). no experience; few to travel: call or write immediately.

Mr. Orment, former government examiner, 1205 Arcade St. Louis. TYPEWRITER Century: practically new: late style; reasonable. Call Lindell 4204J.

COMPLETE line of shotguns, rides and shells at lowest prices. F. B. 812 Franklin. TRY BUG DEATH for bugs; free demonstration.

Call Lindell 6242. SPECIALS AT THE STORES DIAMONDS. Watches, Jewelry, Pins, Brooches- nice stock. Money to loan. A.

L. Dunn Mere. Loan Co. 912-14-16 FRANKLIN AVE. WEARING APPAREL CuBit stoles.

men's collars; cash or credit. 316 Victoria Bldg. UNIFORMS -Street car men; serge, $26.75 and up: broadcloth, $32.50. Schneider. 907 Pine.

FOR SALE- Ladies suits. dresses, men's overcoats. suits slightly used. 3201 Easton. WANTED TO BUY BEDS -Carpets, contents flats, dwellings wanted badly; best cash prices.

Schroeber, 4455 Page. Delmar 2985. Forest 3953. BEDS- Furniture, rugs, contents of dwellings or small dats: we pay the best price town. Call Forest 5025 or Delmar 3864.

DENNIS BROS. CARPETS Furniture, contents flats. Bensinger, 1139 Walton. Del. 886.

For. 6391. CLOTHING WANTED 25.000 men's suits and overcoats and ladies' suits and dresses. Call Tyler 1134 or Central 4060. Auto will call in 20 minutes.

HARRY APPLEMAN. 2631 Dickson so. DIAMONDS bought for cash. S. SMITH 513 North Grand ave.

DIAMONDS WANTED- HIGHEST PRICES. NORMAN JEWELRY 7 N. B'DWAY. DIAMONDS I Will pay $100 to $700 per karat for your diamonds, no diamond too large or too small: We buy all sizes. Will also loan money OD your diamonds at small interest.

H. MILLER, (EST. 1888.) 3 N. Broadway one door north of Market st. FURNITURE -Best prices paid for goods, small or large lots.

Levy 311-315 8. 14th st. Central 3593. Olive 3028. FURNITURE Wanted: all kinds: highest prices: contents of residences and dats.

3501-7 Lucas. Lindell 2160. R. U. LEONORI AUCTION CO.



THE BALDWIN PIANO 1111-1113 Olive St. PIANO Mahogany! reasonable. Call 38254 St. Louis ave. Phone Lindell 5437 W.

PIANO Bradford piano and pianola complete with rolls and bench: $145; easy terins. Aeolian 1004 Olive st. PIANO A genuine pianola with music rolls, bench, excellent condition: $295. Easy terms. Aeolian 1004 Olive st.

PIANOS -Henry F. Miller, upright; good conditoin, $165. Schiller, upright for $140. Needham upright, $185. Christman, $200.

$400 buys very choice player; like new; terms. KLEEKAMP PIANO 3121-23 S. Grand. PLAYER PIANO. 88-note: almost new; cheap for cash.

1813 S. Jefferson. Used 88-note, bench and music rolls: $150 cash: original price $700. Owner must sell immediately. 3200 S.

Grand RECORDS -Double disc, 10-inch, brand new: good selections, 35 cents each: 3 for $1 while they last. Call today. 1414 Frank. lin. SAXAPHON ES-Alto, $75; cash paid for used musical instruments.

Tony Placht, 1001 Pine. TALKING MACHINE -Beautiful cabinet style, with records, $50 cash; wonderful bargain 3200 S. Grand. TALKING MACHINES Slightly used. $40, $63.

$75. $85. $90, $100. $110, $115. See our large selection (standard makes): terms.

KLEEKAMP PIANO 3121-23 S. Grand. F. BEYER SON 17th and wenst. Est.

50 years: fine bargains in pianos and niavers. FRANK STELL BEST PLACE To buy: only two prices, time or cash: 1.0 interest charged: 10 per cent off for cash: Lester players are best: none better: only player -piano in St. Louis that selle itself: $900 to $950 value for $700 and $730: a RATing of $200: $50 cash, $15 per moath: TO Itterest. Call and see and convince yourself, 1414-1414-16 North Sixteenth st. GIVE your child a musical education: pianos, $125 and upward.

Schubert Son Piano 2607 Franklin ave. MANUALO- The player-piano that is all but human; splendid musical investment. THE BALDWIN PIANO 1111 Olive st, SLIGHTLY used talking machines at bargain prices. Barthel-Duesenberg Piano 912 Pine st. BUYS good player piano with 20 rolls of music, bench and stool.

R8-note: terms. KLEEKAMP PIANO 3121-23 S. Grand. TUNING--REPAIRING TUNING and player work a specialty, Frank Stell, 1414 N. 16th.

Central 1948. Tyler 250. WE repair all makes of phonographs. No job too small or too large, Work guaranteed. Stone Mfg.

2621 Olive st. HOTELS ALBERMARLE- -Sarah and Westminster: firstclass family hotel: bot and cold water and phone in ench room: $5 up. ALCAZAR HOTEL. 3127 Loctist; rooms, running water: baths, $1 a day, $5 week. Delmonte Hotel St.

Louis' Newest and Finest Transient Residential Hotel Kitchenette service If desired. 5830 Delmar. Cabany 6940. LIBERTY. 722 North 20th, blocks north of Union Station: first-class hotel; rates br week or month.

THE HAMILTON Ideal for family: modernte rates; children's playground. Cabany 1205. ROOMS ROOMS--HOUSEKEEPING CARDINAL, housekeeping or 1101 sleeping: heat; hot water; room Bell phone. COOK. 3130-2 connecting rooms; gas, heat, all conveniences: reasonable.

-Furnished for light Lindell 1349R. DELMAR. 4109 2 connecting rooms for light housekeeping: people employed. Lin. 2555.

FAMOUS, 6301-Nicely furnished room for light honsekeeping. Phone Benton 1003R. FINNEY, 3703- Second story front, with kitchenette, hot water. Lindell 39. MARMADUKE.

6724 -3 rooms: heat and light furnished; lanndry privileges. Benton 497W. MISSO 1401 2 roots for light housekerning. 1401 Missonri. PESTALOZZI, 26161 or 2 furnished front, connecting honsekeeping rooms; bath.

elec. RUSSELL. 3844 nicely furn. front TOOTLE for light housekeeping. Grand 3333J.

ROOMS Two steam-heated, light housekeeping rooms, Lindell 10027. ROOMS- -FURNISHED ARLINGTON. -Nicely furnished front room: all conveniences. Forest 4728W. AUBERT.

1119- Furnished room: all' convenTences: gents preferred. Forest 4541J. CASTLEMAN, 4022 Large south Aleeping room; Park car; meals near. Grand 2398J. CATES.

5055- -Desirable room; continuous bot water: zentlemen only. Forest 3493W. DELMAR 4065- -2 rooms, light housekeeping, or room and board. Lindell 2403J. DELMAR.

3522- -Room with kitchenette: employed only: large sleeping room. EADS. 2926 Neatly furnished front room. Grand 2147. kitchen privilege: Lindell ENRIGHT, 5163 -Elegantly furn.

front room: home: modern: zente, Forest 7571 W. private ETZEL. 5747- Nicely furnished room; homelike Cab. 2934 W. 1276- room for one two.

Cabenr 3097. HARTFORD -Comfortable second foot front room 2 cents. Victor LACLEDE, -Neatly furnished rooth; steam hest. Forest 0903W. LINDELL, 2629 Nicely furnished front room; modern conveniences.

Lindell 4241. room: 2 ladies of working girls. Lin. 2422M. furnished 20-floor front Home.

Cabany 2132M. McMILLAN. 4324 -Pleasant front root, steam heat, all conveniences: sitable for or gentlemen; $5 Forest week for one, 86 week for two. 7397W. on the first day of June, 1 per cent on the first day of July, one-half of 1 per cent on the first day of August, one-half of 1 per cent on the first day of September, 1 per cent on the first day of October, one-half of 1 per cent on the first day of November, one-halt of 1 per cent on the first day of December, in each year before any dividends shall be paid or declared upon the common stock.

Such dividends on the preferred stock shall be cumulative, so that it in any year dividends amounting to 8 per cent shall not have been paid on said stock. the deficiency shall be paid before any dividend shall be paid or set apart upon the common stock. preferred stock shall be callable at the option of the Board of Directors for retirement, either in whole or in part, in which event the preferred stockholders shall be paid at the rate of one hundred fifteen ($115.00) dollars per share, together with all accrued unpaid dividends, and no more. In case of a sale of all the assets of the corporation, then and in that event, the preferred stockholders shall be paid one hundred ten ($110.00) dollars per share, together with all accrued unpaid dividends, and no more. In case of a reorganization of the corporation, then and in that event the preferred stockholders, if they do net elect to participate in the reorganization, shall be paid one hundred ten ($110.00) dollars per share, together with all accrued and unpaid dividends, and no more.

"Except as above stated, in the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the corporation, whether voluntary or involuntars, the holders of the preferred stock shall be entitled to receive, before any of the assets of the corporation shall be distributed among paid over to the holders of the common stock, one hundred ($100.00) dollars per share, together with all accrued unpaid dividends, and no more. But if upon liquidation or dissolution or winding up, the assets of the corporatien, distributable As aforesaid among the hold. ers of the preferred stock, shall be insufficient to permit of the payment to them of said amounts, then the entire assets of the corporation shall be distributed ratably among, the holders of record of the preferred stock. The tern "accrued unpaid dividends. whenerer used in the certificate of Incorporation, with reference to the preferred stock, shall be deemed to mean that amount which shall be equal to per centum per annum upon the par value of said stock from the date of incorporation of the corporation tor from the date of issue in case of stock.

the certificates for which express that dividends thereon shall be parable and cumniative only subsequent to that date) to date, less the aggregate amount of all dividends paid upon said stock. not less than sixty days' notice given by mail to the record holders of the preferred stock to be redeemed, addressed to each such holder of record as him address is shown by the stock transfer books of the cormoration, and also given by publication once a week for at least six consecutive weeks immediately preceding the time fixed for such redemption. in a newspaper of general circulation published in the English language in the City of St. Louis, the corporation may, on any preferred stock dividend date, by such method as shall be provided from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors or by the bylaws, and at such place as shall be specified in such notice, redeem the whole or any part of said preferred stock at one hundred fifteen dollars per share, plus accrued unpaid dividends. From and after the date fixed in any such notice as the date of redemption, unless default shall be made by the corporation in providing moneys at the time and place specitied for the payment of the redemption price, pursuant to such notice, all dividends on the preferred stock thereby called for redemption, shall cease to accrue and all rights of the holders thereof as stockholders of the corporation, except the right to receive the redemption price, shall cease and determine.

"Except as may be otherwise required by the statutes of the State of Delaware and as herein otherwise expressly provided, the holders of both the preferred and common stock shall possess voting power for the election of directors and for all other purposes. (c) Out of any surplus or net profits of the corporation reinaining after the payment of full dividends upon the preferred stock at the rate hereinabove specified for all prevtous dividend periods, then, and not otherwise, dends may be declared upon the common stock, and all dividends declared from such remaining surplus or net profits shall be paid to the holdera of the common stock. Provided, however, that so long as any of the preferred stock of the corporation shall be outstanding, no dividends shall be declared or paid upon the comanon stock unless, after the payment of such dividend, the net quick assets of the corporaLion shall be an amount at least equal to one hundred and twenty-five per cent of the aggregate par valne of the preferred stock outstanding. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the corporation and after the payment to the holders of the preferred stock of all amounts to which the holders of such stock shall be entitled according to the foregoing provisions, the hiders of the common stock shail be entitled, to the exclusion of the holders of the preferred stock, to share ratably in ail the assets of the corporation remainh g. The corporation shall have the right to purchase, or otherwise acquire, out of surplus or net profits, such of said preferred stock as it may desire, from time to time.

in the open market or elsewhere. in any manner, at such price, not more titan $115 per share and accrued dividends, as it may be able to obtain the same. "This resolution is not intended to In any WAY restrict or limit the provisions of the certificate of incorporation of the Delaware corporation that is to be formed, but only to provide that foregoing provisions shall be set forth in the certificate of incorporation of the Delaware corporation, Resolved, further: That twelve million, two hundred fifty thousand ($12,250,000.00) dollara par value of said preferred stock shall be reserved and used only for the of expurpose changing the same, share for share, for the outstanding preferred stock of International Shoe Company of Missouri; and that seven ixty-five thousand (765,000) stares of the common stock, without par value, shall be reserved and used only for the purpose of exchange for the present outstanding one hundred -seven thousand, five hundred (127,500) shares of common stock. of the par value of one hundred ($100.00) dollars per share, of the Missouri corporation; that is to say, upon the basis of six shares of said common stock of the Delaware corporation, without par value, for each one share of said common stock of the Missouri corporation, of the par value of one hundred ($100.00) dollars per share; that sald exchange shall be made at such time and in such manner as the Board of Directors of the new corporation and this corporation may determine. "Resolved, further: That in this reorganization and change of domicile.

all the business, properties, good will and PRECLE of every kind, character and nature whatsoever of this cotporation, shall be transferred to and taken over the Delaware and that all labilities, of every kind, character and nature whatsoever, shall be assumed by the Delaware corporation, that the business of this cor. portion shall be succeeded to by the Delaware corporation withont any change whatsoever. Resolved, further: That this corporation does hereby consent that the name tional Shoe Company" inay be given to another corporation, and does request the Secretary of State of the State of Missouri to license tHo International Shoe Company of Delaware to do business in this state, under said name, in the place and stend of this corporation. "Resolved, further: That a special meeting of the stockholders of this corporation shall be and is hereby called for the 14th day of March, 1921, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. for the purpose of taking a vote of the stockholders upon the propositions contained in the foregoing resolutions, and for the further parpose of taking a rote of the stockholders upon the proposition to canse this corporation to be dissolved, and its corporate charter surrendered, and for any other purpose pertaining to reorganization that may be brought before the Bids will be received by the City of St.

Louis, room 208 City Hall, til 12 on January 25. 1921, for sprinkling the Streets of the City of St. Louis for one year, commencing February 1, 1921. Specifications, form of contract and plat of schedules and bidding blanks may be had at the office of the Director of Streets and STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING -The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Kinloch Telephone Company will be held at the offices of the company, on the fourth floor of the Kinloch Bullding, northwest corner Tenth and Loctist streets, in the City of Bt. on Monday, January 24, 1921, for the Louis, purpose of electing 13 directors to serve for business enming an year, may and properly to transact come such before otber it.

Polls open from 9:00 to 12:00 noon. H. LINTON REBER, President. WM. H.

BASSETT. Secretary. Jannary 1921. STOCKHOLDERS' The meeting of the Stockholders of the Mocs. Strauss Mannfacturing Company for the elec1ion of five directors, to serve during the ensoing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting, will be held at the office of company, Tuesday, Jannory 1921.

BEN J. STRAUSS, President, Attest: A. Tonis, Epstein, January Secretary, 11, 1921. CHATTEL MORTGAGE BALE Whereas, P. J.

Romacker residing at 2007 St. Vincent in the city of St. Louie, Missouri, on the 28th day of October, 1920, executed and delivered bis certain twelve promissory note in the sum of $58.50 each to the Flint Motor Car Company of the city of St. Louie, Missouri, said notes being due one. two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve months after date, all said notes bearing Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum with exchange, after date antil maturity, and after maturity at the rate of eight per cent per annom until paid, and Wherens, Said notes were secured by Certain chattel mortgage on one 1921 Cherrolet Coupe te with sil equipment, motor number-3-67679, factory or car four cylinders, together with added 81.4 substituted parts and equipment, and Whereas, The said P.

J. Romacker has dein the parment of nad notes, Nov, Therefore, Under the terms of chattel mortgage the undereigned the legal bolder of said notes, hereby exercises Its option under the terms of said chattel mortgage and declares all of said notes to be due and payate, and will on Saturday, January 22, 1921, at the hour of 9:30 at 4714 Delmar bonlerard on the premises of Flint Motor Car Company in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, ell at public venue to the higbest bidder for cash the aforesaid automobile, for the pufpose of satisfying the remaining indebtedness on said notes, together with attorney's fees and all of the costs of exeentine this sale. MERCANTILE ACCEPTANCE TION. Star Boliding, ST.


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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