Times Colonist from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1938 SERVICE IS HARD TO BEAT TRY US Work Fully Guaranteed KENT'S 641 Yates Street 6013 Standard Fuel and Burner Oils -YIELD INTENSE HEAT LAST LONGER DELIVERED PROMPTLY C. J. McDOWELL 1000 DOUGLAS PLUMBING HEATING OIL BURNERS Family of Four Are Found Dead EDMONTON (CP) Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schultz and their twc children were found dead today victims of what police described as murder and suicide.

Schultz, 41, was manager of a meat market here. Mrs. Schultz was 35. LIVERISH THIS MORNING? Don't take your Grouch out on the Children- thrash the dog -or sell your BusinessTAKE Beechams Tone Up That Sluggish Liver Are you feeling mean and nasty? Well it isn't your soul--it's your liver. Get the poison out and the sunshine inl The best of people get "out-of-sorts" from time to time.

No calm disposition, sound stomach, and strong nerves can fight a clogged up system. Don't carry these poisons around with you. If you do you are bound to have sick headaches and nervous indigestion. ONE REMEDY FOR Liverishness Loss of Charm Indigestion Headaches Tiredness, etc. Let BEECHAM'S clean out your system and put liver, and stomach, and bowel functioning regularly again: BEECHAM'S are so mild and effective -they are purely vegetable and quite harmless- safe to give to children.

So inexpensive -only 25c a box. Perhaps you don't think you are in need of BEECHAM'S today. Well, just try a couple tonight and see how feel That different will tomorrow: prove you A were in need you of BOX how much them. BEECHAM'S LAXATIVE LIVER BILE PILLS Sole Canadian Distributors RIGO AGENCIES TORONTO and MONTREAL 60 Colonies May Be Hitler's "Surprise Reported He May Tell Germany Next Sunday of Return By WADE WERNER Associated Press Foreign Staff BERLIN'- Jittery Europe is facing its third consecutive "Hitler week-end." The Fuehrer, weighing events of a feverish fortnight, maintained secrecy today on the message he will have for the world in his speech to the Reichstag next Sunday. Official silence likewise surrounded results of Hitler's talk Saturday with Kurt von nigg, "Austria's chancellor at Berchtesgaden, Bavaria.

There were reports in diplomatic circles his big surprise for the German people Sunday will be return of part of Germany's pre-war colonies. It was said Great Britain and Germany were negotiating on an important colonial concession for the Reich, but the report could not be substantiated in any way. One of the conditions to any such deal, it was said, would be a clarification of Germany's relations with Austria, "assuring, against any sudden aggression in that sector. DUCE FAVORABLE Premier Mussolini of Italy, said to have urged the Schuschnigg Hitler meeting, was de. scribed as favorable to a settlement by- -which Hitler would get colonies and Italy would get British recognition of the conquest of Ethiopia.

There were indications that Hitler and Mussolini were working together to reach a lasting solution of the Austrian question, stumbling block in otherwise pleasant German-Italian friend. ship. ler's meeting with Von SchuschThe weekend surprise of Hit nigg, coming after the previous week surprise of the army and cabinet shake-up, stirred the German public. But today's morning papers carried just one line of fresh information about the Austrian Chancellor--that he had returned safely to Vienna. An Associated Press dispatch from London Sunday said it was felt Hitler wanted to be able to say, when the talks with Britain start: have settled the Austrian question with Von Schuschnigg; let's get on to other things." Removal of German ambitions to control Austria was known to be a prime consideration of Britain and France in any general settlement.

Hitler's sweeping reorganization of the German government, February 4, was understood erally to have aroused concern at the last British cabinet meeting. This, it was reported, the form of a movement for immediate settlement of all outstanding questions with Hitler and Mussolini. Mr. Eden was understood to have stood firm for a common front with France, eventually of; fering Germany colonial outlets and Italy credits- -it the two dic. tatorships would put up political collateral as a guarantee of good behavior.

U.S. Farm Plans Voted By Senate WASHINGTON (AP) The United States administration's new farm program received Senate approval today after weeks of congressional controversy. The bulky measure now goes to the White House for President Roosevelt's signature. BURBANK RANGES $4350 to $15000 COAST HARDWARE 1418 DOUGLAS STREET Thrifty Shoppers Save Money Every Day at SAFEWAY and PIGGLY WIGGLY 7 Stores to Serve You MEN SENTIMENTAL OVER VALENTINE (Continued from Page 1) fathers. These are known as friendship cards.

The others are sweetheart cards. According to the legend of Val entine's Day a Roman emperor who was waging war with the whole world, to further his aims, issued an edict forbidding all marriages and engagements. He wanted men to fight, not to love. However, a priest named Valentine, who despised this law, married the young couples in his church. The emperor upon hear ing of this cast Valentine into a dark dungeon, where he later died The truth about Valentine's Day, however, is that, it is the festival of a Christian Martyr named Valentine, who lived in the reign of Claudius (Gothicus).

There is no proof to show he married anyone against the will of the emperor. Its association with love dates back to a pagan festival which fell on the same day. Plane Wrecked At Alert Bay Flying Boat of R.C.A.F. Pounded to Pieces in Gale VANCOUVER (CP) Royal Canadian Air force plane was wrecked in a gale at Alert Bay, off the northeastern coast of Vancouver. Island, Saturday night, according to word received at R.C.A.F.

headquarters here today. The ship, a single motored monoplane, was moored in the harbor at Alert Bay when the storm struck. The machine apparently dragged its moorings and was pounded to pieces by the gale. The plane, on a routine flight from Prince Rupert to Vancouver, was piloted by Squadron Leader E. L.

McLeod. was to have proceeded to Vancouver Sunday. Squadron Leader McLeod was not aboard the plane when it was wrecked. REPORTS OF BRITISH CABINET SPLIT DENIED (Continued from Page 1) MYTH REPORTED The Daily Herald said: "A myth is being built up that there is a new conflict between a stubborn and headstrong foreign secretary has not the confidence and support of the cabinet and may at any moment be repudiated by the Prime Minister, the obvious result in the hands are weakened. It seems clear enough there is a manoeuvre afoot either to sabotage the whole negotiation or to extract from it results more acceptable to diehard Fascism." The Sunday Express, independent, and News Liberal, featured reports of a split, but the Sunday Times, independent, denied "on the highest authority" that any such situation existed.

The heading over the front page story said: "Eden Must Not Go!" The newspaper asserted the Berlin and Rome governments were scheming to manoeuvre the young Foreign Secretary out of the cabinet. EDEN'S STATEMENT Mr. Eden himself speaking at Birmingham Saturday, said that although it might "disappoint some newspapers," he and the Prime Minister had worked in "close contact." 0. 0. M'INTYRE PASSES AWAY (Continued from Page 1) ately, but his health had not been good for some time.

MANY FRIENDS McIntyre's friendships ran through all classes and types of people Broadway's great, the big city's ordinary people, each alike claimed his attention. He lived much alone in recent years, doing his work in his richly-furnished apartment, aided in great measure by his wife, the former Maybelle Hope Small of Gallipolis, Ohio. Next Friday, which would have been McIntyre's birthday, also would have been his 30th wedding anniversary. The first man to write a syndicated New York column, forerunner of the many present Broadway gossip writers, McIntyre began his newspaper career on the Gallipolis Journal in 1902. "The "big town" lure finally brought him to New York as associate editor of Hampton's Magazine in 1912.

In a few months he had started the brisk-phrased jottings on the Gotham scene under the byline O. O. McIntyre which brought him fame and fortune as one of the highest paid newspaper writers in the world. The sledding was hard at first. McIntyre began the column as a press agent "blurb" for a New York hotel in return for his room and board.

'Aid China Week" Urged By Angell International Conference in London Advocates Boycott of Japan LONDON (CP)- -Sir Norman Angell, Nobel Peace Prize winner, today urged an "Aid China Week" to marshal world-wide opinion against Japan's campaign in China. At an "international conference" aimed to strengthen a boycott of Japanese goods, Sir Norman suggested poster parades, picketing and newspaper pledge schemes to enlist boycott supporters. A. A. MacLeod of Toronto, president of the Canadian League for Peace and Democracy, said objections to a boycott-that it would starve Japanese and impose a burden on the poorest classes in the boycotting countries- would be outweighed by what was achieved.

Government action would follow if a boycott was sufficiently widespread, he declared in presenting the report of the propaganda commission. VISCOUNT CECIL SPEAKS A second Nobel Peace Prize winner, Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, declared "our purpose is to stop the war in China and insist on the withdrawal of all Japanese forces. "If we don't succeed, we desire citizens of all countries here to clear themselves of complicity in the Japanese crime." The technical section of the conference recommended appointment of permanent commissions in all countries to consider means of effecting the boycott. It pointed out that the United States and the Netherlands supply 80 per cent of Japanese oil supplies. BIG SINGAPORE DRYDOCK OPENED; CROWDS LOOK ON (Continued from Page 1) incides with the ceremony and whose nation is so closely akin to our own in its aspirations and ideals." "We of the Empire have stood by one another in bad times and good," he said.

"We mean to support one another in the future as we have in the past." The naval base stands on the north side of Singapore Island, dominating the Straits of Johore. Beside Sir Shenton Thomas aboard the yacht Sea Belle II was the Sultan of Johore, who contributed £500,000 ($2,510,000) in 1935 to help completion of the base. "The British Empire," Sir Shenton said, "is one of the most potent influences for civilization that history has ever known. It needs one thing that it should be strong." A crowd of 11,000 had gathered for the ceremonies. Squadrons of Royal Air Force planes flew in formation over the harbor which glittered with rows of gaily beflagged ships.

PLAQUE UNVEILED Before naming the dock Sir Shenton unveiled a plaque commemorating the occasion. Beside him were the repersentatives of Australia, New Zealand, India, Ceylon, Hongkong, Sarawak, Borneo, the United States, France and the Netherlands, as well as high officers of the British navy, the army, and the Royal Air Force. Also present were the 4,500 native workmen who were employed on the base, construction of which was begun in 1923, abandoned by the Labor government in 1924, and resumed in 1925. PROVIDING FOR FUTURE The drydock is world's largest naval dock and is second only in size to that built at Southhampton for the liner Queen Mary. It can accommodate the largest warships afloat and, according to the official program, is "designed to provide for the growth in size of his Majesty's ships for many years to come." There is also a large floating dock which was towed out from England years ago.

GREAT GUNS IN PLACE Defences include hidden batteries of heavy guns, ranging up to 18 inches in calibre, machinegun redoubts, anti-aircraft batteries, airdromes and flying boat stations. At Changi, eastern end of the island facing Borneo and the Pacific, longrange batteries defend the approach to Singapore and the Johore Straits. The 18-inch guns are said to be the largest and most powerful in the world with a range of 40 to 50 miles, firing shells weighing 3,000 pounds. To the east of the naval base is a military air field with a capacity of several hundred planes. Many school children still write on slates; for the leading slate pencil country, Thuringia, turned out 189,000,000 slate pencils in six months of 1937.

NOT CONTINUING FOREST CAMPS (Continued from Page 1) closer watch on the grade of food supplied to the camps, less monotony in the diet at' some camps, and free dental care. One camp, the delegates said, had become known as "the roast beef project" because this meat was continually served. At another the men were tired of getting mulligan five and six days in a row. They complained that there were no sheets in the camps and that, in some cases blankets went unwashed for as long as ten weeks. John Matts, secretary headed the delegation, which was accompanied by Nigel Morgan, representing the Lumber and Sawmill Workers' Union, and Norman Cole of the Victoria Trades and Labor Council.

At their conference in a hall over 564 Yates Street during the weekend the camp dealing delegates with passed resolutions the various subjects and reelected Ben Satten provincial organizer, George Henderson assistant organizer and Mr. Matts secretary treasurer. NO UNWIN-POWELL SENTENCE DEBATE IN HOUSE OF COMMONS (Continued from Page 1) by motorcar, Sunday, which took them to the Fort Saskatchewan jail and a visit with J. H. Unwin, M.P.P., and G.

F. Powell, British adviser to the Alberta Social Credit Board, both serving prison terms for defamatory libel. The party included Hon. W. A.

Fallow, minister of public works; Hon. Lucien Maynard, minister of municipal affairs; Hon. W. W. Cross, minister of health and relief, and Hon.

D. B. Mullen, min ister of agriculture. "It was just a friendly call," said Mr. Fallow.

"We talked with Rowell and Mr. Unwin for 15 or 20 minutes." OPPOSE CLEMENCY BASHAW, Alta (CP) Under the signature of J. J. Smith, president, the Chamber of Commerce of Bashaw, 90 miles southeast of Edmonton, has telegraphed Prime Minister King asking no interference in sentences imposed on G. F.

Powell and J. H. Unwin, M.P.P. Social Credit leaders, for defamatory libel. Mr.

Powell, British adviser to the Alberta Social Credit Board, and Mr. Unwin, member for Edson, are serving six and threemonth terms, respectively, in the Fort Saskatchewan jail. They entered the jail' last Thursday. The telegram termed founded reports that public opinion wanted clemency to be extended the men. INQUIRY SUGGESTED CALGARY (CP)-A real investigation should be made into the imprisonment of F.

Powell and J. H. Unwin, M.P.P., declared Premier William Aberhart here Sunday. At the Calgary Prophetic Bible Institute Alberta's premier, telling of the "problems of the past week" with the imprisonment of the two Social Credit Party workers, said: "The more I think of this situation and the indignation of the people over the imprisonment imposed on these two respectable citizens the more I feel that now that matters have gone so far a real investigation into the whole matter should be made." Patterson Last Rites Are Held VANCOUVER Vancouver today paid tribute to the late Dr. Frank Porter Patterson.

Representatives of the government whose Conservative opposition in the Provincial Legislature he headed attended the funeral. Scores of his medical colleagues and comrades of Great War years took part in the simple Anglican Church service from Christ Church Cathedral. Dr. A. M.

Sanford of Union Theological College during a brief address mentioned Dr. Patterson's dislike of pomp. Dean Noe Is To Leave Hospital MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -Very Rev. Israel Harding Noe, former fasting Dean of St.

Mary's Episcopal Cathedral here, made ready to leave his hospital bed today and return home. The 47-year-old clergyman, who had sought to prove the immortality of man with the help of God, collapsed January 23 after 22 days with neither food nor water. His food, he said, was "creative strength" transmitted "from the Father's life," and he neither needed nor desired material food. NEW COUNCIL FOR ROUMANIA G. Tatarescu Is Expected to Return as Premier BUCHAREST -The Roumanian government was reported today on the verge of another swift reorganization providing for a crown council to outline broad national policies.

Dr. Miron Cristea, Patriarch of the Roumanian Orthodox Church and key man of the new government which evolved from last week's shake up, will preside over this powerful crown council, according to unverified reports. (Reports the cabinet had already resigned were denied officially.) Ex-Premier Georges Tatarescu was favored to replace Cristea as Premier, in charge of administration details. (It was the cabinet of Tatarescu, Liberal, which gave way a short time ago when Goga became Premier.) As no change from the present course of Dr. Cristea was foreseen, spreading reports of the impending reorganization caused no nervousness.

Meanwhile, Octavian Goga, whose government was dissolved anti-Semitic former Premier last week by King Carol to make way for the Cristea regime, departed with his wife for Switzerland for treatment of heart and circulatory ailments. Goga suffered a heart attack Saturday. It was learned a commission is planning a new constitution to replace the one suspended by King Carol. It is understood to be studying various proposals for limitation of the right to vote and hold office. Italians Forced to Send Large Bodies of Troops Against Natives Revolt Reported In Ethiopia LONDON (AP) Reuter (British news agency)-Dispatches from Aden said today a large number of troops had been sent from Addis Ababa to crush a serious revolt which broke out in various sections of Ethiopia.

The outbreaks were reported in Gojjam province, northwest of the. capital, and Borana, south Ethiopia. Most of the troops sent to restore order were native, the dispatches said. P. O.

Erickson, Dies EDMONTON (CP) Disabled in the Great War, Peter O. V. Erickson, 47, of Hay Lakes, died here Saturday. He enlisted at Victoria, B.C., in the Seventh Battalion and was drafted into the 43rd Battalion. THE WEATHER VICTORIA, 5 a.m.

-Pressure continues high in the north, where it remains quite cold. Rain has occurred on Vancouver Island and lower mainland. Light snowfalls are reported in the Okanagan and Kootenay. Subzero temperatures have been general on the prairie with snow. Reports Victoria-Barometer, 29.80; temperature, maximum yesterday 50, minimum 36; wind, 8 miles precipitation, raining.

Vancouver- Barometer, 29.80; temperature, maximum yesterday 48, minimum 36; wind, 4 miles S.E.; precipitation, raining. Prince Rupert--Barometer, 29.98; temperature, maximum 34, minimum 24; wind, 4 miles N.E.: clear. Langara-Barometer, 29.94; minimum temperature, maximum yesterday 30, 28: wind, 14 miles N.E.: fair. Estevan Point--Barometer, 29.80; temperature, maximum yesterday 42, minimum 32; wind, 4 miles precipitation, clear. Tatoosh-Temperature, maximum yesterday 42.

minimum 36; wind, 10 miles precipitation, 34; cloudy. Seattle- Temperature, maximum yesterday 46, minimum 36; calm; precipitation, cloudy. Portland Temperature, maximum yesterday 46, minimum 36; wind, 8 miles S.E.; precipitation, raining. San Francisco Barometer, 30.08; temperature, maximum yesterday 56, minimum 48; calm; precipitation, 1.56; cloudy. Temperatures Max.

Min. Victoria 50 36 Nanaimo 39 33 Vancouver 48 36 Westminster 42 32 New Dawson -30 -42 Seattle 46 36 Portland 46 36 San Francisco 56 48 Kamloops 14 Prince George 0 Penticton 30 24 Vernor 27 21 Nelson 23 Kaslo 25 12 Calgary -20 Edmonton -28 Prince Albert -26 Moose Jaw 6 -12 Winnipeg -12 Yesterday: Toronto 35 St. John Ottawa Halifax 28 34 8988 Forecast Victoria and vicinity- Fresh northwest winds; mostly fair, becoming colder with scattered showers or sleet. Vancouver and vicinity Moderate to fresh winds, mostly northeast; cloudy and somewhat colder with occasional sleet or snow. Old Kentucky CIGARETTES Trophies and Distinctive Sporting Awards.

With the winter sporting programmes drawing closer to their finish, many progressive organizations are availing themselves of the appropriate selection of sporting awards to be found at LITTLE TAYLOR "AS ALWAYS QUALITY WORKMANSHIP" 1209 DOUGLAS ST. (Sayward Bldg.) 0 05812 We Sell DRUGS and dispense prescriptions. A service meriting your confidence. BROAD LIMITED, 1196 FORT PHONE AT Gill ARDEN Prescription Chemists Camp Operator Wins $100,000 Disclosed Vancouverite Who Was Lucky in Australian Draw Is L. LaFarr VANCOUVER (CP) of $100,000 in a recent Golden Casket Lottery conducted by the government of Queensland, "C.A." was identified here today as Louis LaFarr, lumber camp operator at Call Creek, 200 miles north of Vancouver.

Late Sunday night Mr. LaFarr, on a business trip to Chicago, telephoned Mrs. LaFarr here to say he would leave by plane for Vancouver today. He said he intended to "keep right on working." Mr. and Mrs.

LaFarr were mar: ried in 1922. They have no children. Winds Delay Rescue at Floe TROMSOE, Norway (AP)High winds sweeping from the north today balked plans of the Soviet icebreaker Taimyr to send planes to the rescue of the four scientists of the North Pole camp. Radio stations of all observation posts along the eastern coast of Greenland began special watches after the Soviet government formally had asked for foreign participation in rescue efforts. Latest Moscow reports were Help Kidneys Don't Take Drastic Drugs Your Kidneys contain 9,000,000 tiny tubes or filters which may be endangered by neglect or drastic, irritating drugs.

Be careful. If Kidneys or Bladder Troubles make you suffer from Getting Up 1 Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circles Under Eyes, Dizziness, Backache, Swollen Joints, Excess Acidity, or Burning Passages, don't rely on ordinary medicines. Fight such troubles with the doctor's prescription, Cystex. Cystex starts working in 3 hours, must prove entirely satisfactory, and be exactly the medicine you need or money back. Ask your druggist for Cystex (Siss-tex) today The money-back agreement protects you.

Only that only 20 miles of ice-filled sea separated the campers, off eastern Greenland, and the Taimyr). ANNOUNCEMENTS A Valentine tea under the auspices of St. John's Ladies' Guild will be held at the home of Mrs. Townsley, 636 Simcoe Street, Wednesday, February 16, 3 Paisley Cleaners and DyersWe call and deliver. Phone 3724.

Solarium W.A. linen shower, February 17 to 19. Baskets in stores. Visit our new showrooms out of the high rental district for better value. Currie Gillespie Ltd.

(The Treasure House), 1028 Fort Street. Women's Canadian Club, Empress Hotel, Tuesday, February 15, 2.45. Reed Paige Clark, "Wanderings of a Consular Officer." Soloist, Mrs. Jack Barraclough. EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING One Grade -The Best Santorum LOYE WORKS Phone 7158 COAL AND WOOD SAWDUST Bulk 60 sacks $3.50 per unit $4.50 J.

E. Painter Sons 617 Cormorant St. 3541 BIG RADIO REDUCTIONS MACDONALD ELECTRIC 1121 Douglas (Cor. View) 1177 3 YOU MORE LIGHT 3 FOR MAD: IN READING A NEWSPAPER CANADA Safeguard your eyes with Edison Mazda Lamps. They stay brighter longer.


Times Colonist from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.