San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1891. Judd, Mrs. Terhune, Mrs. R. Smythe, R.

A. Smythe, Miss Lizzie Smythe, Mr. and Mrs. Russell, Miss Johnson, Mrs. R.

Gaines, M. Edward Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. Frank James, Mr. and Mrs.

George W. Young, Rey. and Mrs. Perkina, Mr. and Mrs.

F. C. Young, Mr. and Mrs. C.

Longden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Havens, and Mrs. F.

Pancoest, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lowell, D. Routier and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Gilbert, Miss Coral Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.

Morrow, Mrs. M. Lowe, Mrs. Kincode, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Hoffman, Miss HaHoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O'Conner, Mrs. Minnie Thomas, Miss Georgia Morrison, Mrs. W.

K. Perry, Mrs. A. F. Thornberg, Mr.

and Mrs. Bryant, Miss M. Fay, Mr. and Mrs. George England, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Smith, Mrs.

Ellert and daughter, Captain Charles B. Johnson and H. Gilman. THE REESER ANNIVERSARY. Mr.

and Mrs. E. C. Rieser celebrated on the evening of August 7th, at their home, 710 Nineteenth street, the tenth anniversary of their marriage. A very sarge number of their friends congregated for this festal occasion.

The presents were elegant and numerous. Mrs. E. O. Rieser was the happy recipient of a fine city lot and E.

O. Rieser received a solid gold watch and chain and many more presents suitable for the special occasion. Handsome flowers of different designs were presented by Mr. and Mrs. J.

Lacoste and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Boreman.

The first part of the evening was spent in playing ten games of progressive eucher. The first ladies' prize was won by Mrs. Freeman Trask, and the second ladies' prize was won by Miss Carrie L. Crabb. The first gentlemen's prize was won by Captain F.

Trask, and the second gentlemen's prize was won by N. C. Partridge. Several pieces were sting by Miss E. O.

Ross, accompanied on the piano by Miss A. E. Munns. Some dimcult selections on the piano were played by E. Munns and Miss N.

Merlo. At 11 o'clock the guests adjourned to the spacious dining-room. The repast was that was replete with the good things of life deliciously prepared and admirably served. Judge F. A.

Hornblower made a few remarks, which were very appropriate for the occasion and were well received by the guests. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. J. Lacoste, Mr.

and Mrs. J. A. Spineiti, Mr. and Mrs.

H. H. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. H.

C. Partridge, Mr. And Mrs. Truman Trask, Mr. and Mrs.

A. K. Hollis, Judge and Mrs. F. A.

Hornblower, Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams, Mr. and Mrs.

R. C. Clark, Mr. M. s.

C. L. Packard, Miss A. Er Munus, Miss C. L.

Crabb, Miss H. Merlo, Mrs. C. C. Jones, Miss F.

A. Toothaker, Mrs. Crabb, Mr. Wood, W. J.

Gorman and John T. Plumbe. BRAID SURPRISE PARTY: A pleasant surprise party was given to Miss Alice at the home of her mother, 529 Hayes street, on last Thursday evening. During the evening Professor Mansfield furnished the guests with violin selections, and Master Frank Gonzalez played the banjo. Vocal selections were rendered by Mrs.

J. Gonzalez, Mrs. A. Braid and Miss Mohan. Supper WAS served at 12 o'clock and dancing was kept up till 2 o'clock.

Those present were: Mrs. A. Braid, Mrs. J. Gonzalez, Mrs.

T. Walton, Miss A. Braid, Miss E. Gonzalez, Miss E. Walton, Miss M.

O' Brien, Miss M. Mannion, Misses M. end P. Moh un, Miss A. Williamson, J.

Braid, C. Dowlin, W. 0. Scott, H. Mathewson, Professor Mansfield, A.

Ross, D. McDougall, P. F. Mohun, R. Martinez, F.

L. Gonzalez and Leo Gonzalez. Dinners and Luncheon's. Dillon and Miss Maguire, TWO DINNER PARTIES. An elaborate dinner party was given last Wednesday evening by Captain and Mrs.

Samuel M. Blair and Miss Jennie Blair at their residence on Van Ness avenue in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Oelrichs. Covers were laid for sixteen at a beauti fully decorated table.

The cover was of green silk and it was graced by a long bed of lovely La France roses fronded with maiden hair. From the chandeller above hung a large sphere of pink Chinese asters looped with pink silk ribbons. The corsage bouquets were of La Fiance roses and the boutonnieres were of Cecil Bruner roses. Pretty effects in pink and white were produced on the sideboards and mantel by arrangements of sweet peas and lilies. The scene as all were seated in the room was a very attractive one.

The hospitality of the household was well shown in the elaborate menu that was pro: vided, during the service of which Ballenberg's orchestra played concert selections. After dinner there was more music and' dancing in the salon, and Doneld de V. Graham sang several selections delightfully. The affair was 8 charming one in every way. THE BUNKER LUNCH PARTY.

Mrs. William M. Bunker gave a charming lunch party at the Hotel Bella Vista last Friday as a compliment to Mrs. Coffin, wife of Commander Coffin, U. S.

who has been visiting her. The luncheon was served in the private dining-room, and the decorations were a symphony in pink. The walls were hung with passion flowers on the vine, and the table was ornate with La France roses, pink sweet peas and candelabra with pink shades and pink tapers, the ensemble being very pleasing. The tables were arranged in the form of a triangle, which is 8 novelty here, and the innoration was deemed highly desirable. M.

le Chef had prepared a menu replete with delicacies, and its enjoyment made the happy feasters forget time as it flew rapidly by. Mrs. Bunker is a charming hostess and succeeded admirably in entertaining her guests and making the afternoon extremely pleasant to them. Those present were: Mrs. William M.

Bunker, Mrs. Coffin, Mrs. Forney, Mrs. Taff of Oakland, Mrs. F.

C. Van Ness, Mrs. Woodworth, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Booth, Mrs.

Randol Hunt, Mrs. French, Mrs. Green Noble, Mrs. Booth, Mrs. A.

Cheesborough, Mrs. Bancroft, Mrs. Pennoyer, Mrs. F. M.

Wilson, Mrs. Lyon, Mrs. Root, Miss Last Tuesday evening Diego Redo, son of the owner of the Mexican steamer Alejandro, gave a dinner on board the vessel at Mission pier 1 in honor of the Mexican Consul-General at this port, A. K. Coney.

The repast was excellent, and the guests enjoyed themselves greatly. Wednesday evening General Coney returned the honor by giving a dinner to Mr. Redo and the officers of the Alejandro at the Maison Riche. Both occasions were highly diplomatic, and the best of feeling prevailed. Those present of the Mexican Government were representative men.

The toasts offered to the United States and Mexico were among the pleasantest things of the evening. The floral decorations and national Bags exhibited made a pretty spectacle on both occasians. Among those present were: General Coney, Diego Redo, Hon. Juan Hidalgo, Felix doza, Captain G. Don Calderon and Purser Pedro Garcia of the steamer Alejandro, Dr.

Edward Maldonado, M. G. Coward, J. G. Bonestell, L.

and F. Loaiza and others. Entertainments. The Native Sons of Vermont held their August entertainment last Friday evening in Odd Fellows' Bail. The attendance was onusually large and the programme was An interesting one.

It commenced with an overture by Blum's orchestra, followed by two soprano solos of much excellence by Miss Jennie Winston. Then came the particular attraction of the evening, the Irish comedy in two acts entitled "O'Callagban on his Last Legs." It was presented in an admirable per with the following cast: Felix O'Callaghan, J. P. Craig; Mr. Rivers, R.

E. Franklin; Charles, E. Rowe; Dr. Banks, J. Deuel; John, W.

E. Allen; Thomas, Robert Ely; Mrs. Lydia Montague, Mrs. J. Deuel; Julia, Miss Lizzle McCoy: Betty, Miss Millie Miller; Mrs.

Banks. Miss Marie Stevenson. Afterward dancing was enjoyed until midnight under the supervision of Robert Vandercook, assisted by W. D. Holcomb, J.

F. Smith, Dr. C. N. Miller, Hiram Whims and J.

E. Cum- mings. Fraternal Socials. Last Friday evening Minerva Parlor, No. 2, Na tive Daughters of the Golden West, tendered a reception to the past presidents of the parlor, Miss Margie Wynne, Mra.

M. Teliman, Miss May Hammill and Miss Mamie Murray. Alameda Parlor, No. 18, Native Daughterz of the Golden West, attended fu a body, and was delightfully entertained. During the evening Miss May Hammill, the retiring past president, wAs presented on behalf of the parlor by Miss Maggie Wynne with an elegant opal ring.

Miss Mamie Murray, the retiring president, received handsome ruby ring, the presentation being made by Mrs. M. Tillman. Miss Maggie Wynne and Mrs. M.

Tillman, senior past presidents, were the recipients of beautiful foral tributes, presented by Miss Mary Dempsey. After the presentations a sumptuous repast was partaken of, which was followed by vocal and Instrumental music, after which dancing was indulged in until a late hour. Great credit is due the committee, Misses Kate Rose and S. Cassin, for the excellent management of the pleasant affair. Among those present were: Miss M.

Dempsey, Miss M. Murray, Miss M. Hammill, Mra. M. Pillman, Miss M.

Wynne, Miss K. Rose, Miss S. Cassin, Miss 8. Schuler, Miss E. Rogers, Mrs.

L. Cashe, Miss L. Weintraut, Miss L. Pfeiffer, Mrs. P.

Corrigan, Miss A. Carey, Miss K. Miss C. Ferguson, Miss N. Wynne, Mrs.

J. Schwaner, Miss M. Dunn, Miss L. Markey, Miss M. Tyrell, Mri, E.

Riordan, Miss L. Reenolds, Miss M. La Porte, Miss L. Monahan, Miss A. Quinn, Miss T.

McGrath, Miss K. Lacey, Miss C. Robson, Mrs. E. Bond, Miss E.

Farrell, Miss Miss. A. Donaldson, Miss W. Ferguson, Miss F. Roche, Mrs.

S. Luckow, Miss L. Rush. EMPIRE LODGE, K. OF L.

AND H. The members of Empire Lodge, Knights and Ladies of Honor, on Wednesday evening last instituted a series of monthly parties, which from the inception give promise of great popularity. The place of meeting was at Pythian Castle: Mrs. O'Dounell, Mrs. Green and Mrs.

Klodi were the committee in charge, and the ladies deserve great credit for the complete manner in which they carried out every detail. The programme was very interesting, and was followed by dancing, The mstrumental duet contributed by Mme. De Silviera and Mrs. Smith was special feature of the pecssion. The quartet by Mme.

Silviera and Mrs. Smith and Messrs. Avers and Henley was also greatly enjoyed. The programme comprised the following se- lections: Piano solo, Mrs. Ally Cameron; recttation, Miss Laadi Gummu; vocal solo; Mr.

Kersinger; piano solo, C. Seblott; vocal duet. Mme. de Silviera and Miss Marrack; banjo solo, D. Sweeny; vocal solo, Mrs.

Ira Buckles instrumental duet, Mme. de Silviera and Miss Smith; recitation, J. J. Stephens; remarks, Judge M. quarter, Mme.

de- Silviera, Miss Smith, Messrs. Ayers and Henley; banjo solo, Ashton P. Stevens. was time to part. Personal Mention.

Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Oelrichs left for the Miscellaneous. On Saturday afternoon, August 8th, Mrs. M.

H. de Young entertained a few friends, as she usually does, at her country home, Meadowlands, near San Rafael, but the affair was not in any sense a garden party, as has been erroneously stated. Announcements have been made by Mr. and Mrs. George W.

Prescott of the wedding of their daughter, Miss Alice Elizabeth Prescott, and Clarence M. Smith, which took place on August 10th at Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will receive their friends here after September 1st at their residence, 2616 Market street.At the First Congregational Church, on August 2d, Norbert Eston Bunker, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Wallace W. Banker, and Miss Myrtle Marie Conger, daughter of the late Senator Conger, were united in marriage. A very pleasant surprise birthday party WAS tendered to Miss Frances Wrede by her friends Sunday evening, August 9th, at her residence, 1218 Pacific avenue. A very enjoyable bouquet party was given by the Indies of Mrs.

Clark's dancing academy at her ball on Satter street last Friday evening. The success of the affair was due to the untiring efforts of the Misses Kittredge, Glover, Huntington and Mischler. The gentlemen intend to give a bonbon or domino party soon. Damien Council, No. 50, Y.

M. entertained its friends on last Wednesday evening. The following programme WAS well rendered: Piano solo, J. D. Hynes; recitation, J.

Harvey; vocal solo, M. Sears; recitation, E. V. Sullivan; vocal solo, C. Barry; recitation, M.

Sears; vocal solo, M. J. Hynes. The first of a series of open meetings be held in El Dorado Hall, Alcazar building, Wednesday evening, August 26th. Members of Y.

M. and their friends are cordially invited to attend. A delightful dinner party was given by Mrs. M. E.

McKenna at her residence, 12 Eleventh street, last Wednesday. Music and dancing were enjoyed until long after dinner, and it was quite late when the guests bade their genial hostess a hearty good-by. Among those present were Mrs. Sarah Smith, Mrs. P.

F. Bird, Mrs. J. Wells, Mrs. S.

Kearney, Mrs. A. Leman, Mrs. D. Sullivan, Mrs.

Henry L. Kohn, Mrs. T. Raicevich, Mrs. W.

T. McKenna, Mrs. B. Dockering, Miss Nellie Smith, Miss Annie Wells, Miss Lizzie McKenna, Miss May Bird, Miss Eva Bird, Miss Louise Baldridge, Miss Alice Kearney, Miss H. McWilliam, Walter Sullivan, Sylvester McKenna, Ed Price, W.

K. Garrison, G. D. McKenna, Larny O'Connor, H. L.

Kahn, G. McKenna, J. K. Lynch and J. C.

Wilson. Mrs. Leonard Wood gave a pleasant lunch party last Wednesday at the Presidio in honor of Mrs. Stephen J. Field, Mr.

and Mrs. William H. Mills gave a pleasant recestion last Friday evening at their restdence, 1707 Octavia street, in celebration of the twenty-first birthday anniversary of their son, Irving E. Mills. S.

F. Sutherland, city editor of the Daily. Report, was united in marriage last Wednesday to Miss Josephi. The wedding was very quietly celebrated. A masquerade surprise party was given last Wednesday evening at the Brunswick House in honor of George 8.

Clark by the guests at the hotel and the proprietor, Robert Campbell. It was success in every way, and afforded much pleasure to all in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. E.

T. Dudley, who are visiting Mrs. Dudley's parents at Maine Prairie, Solano county, were the recipients of a most enjogable surprise last Friday evening. Without warning their numerous friends from the surrounding country came to the old home to give them greeting. These assembled made night merry, and, though thoroughly satisfied with the bounteous supper and dancing, it was with a feeling of regret that morning warned them it East last Saturday evening after a most pleasant visit here to Mrs.

Theresa Fair. A large number of their friends accompanied them across the bay, and Mrs. Oelrichs was the recipient of many beautiful floral tokens. Judge and Mrs. F.

E. Spencer and Miss Grace M. Spencer have returned to San Jose after 8. delightful trip to Alaska. Mrs.

Walter Witham is enjoying a visit at Congress Springs. Hon. James G. Fair has gone to the country for a week. Mr.

and Mrs. M. H. de Young left for Chicago last Wednesday, accompanied by Miss A. M.

Pollock. They will be away about a month, Joseph D. Grant left New York last Wednesday for Europe on the Majestic. Albert and Emile Pissis have left Paris and are now in Africa. Mrs.

A. E. Head and Miss Anna Head are enjoying a visit at Lake Tahoe. Commander and Mrs. Comn, 0.

8. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bunker at the Hotel Bella Vista Admiral and Mrs.

Irwin, U. 8. are entertaining Mrs. and Miss Regensburger at Mare island. Frank J.

Carolan will return from Chicago In a few days. Mrs. John Skae and Miss Alice Skae are In Washington, D. C. Mrs.

Skae intends to either buy or build a home there. Bishop Paddock and the Misses Paddock have returned to Tacoma, after passing several weeks here. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Flint returned from Alaska last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mra. S. F. Thorn have been passing the week at Hazel Creek, Shasta county.

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Meade and General John T. Cutting ere at the Grand Hotel In Paris.

Mrs. William E. Keith and Miss Keith have returned from Sausalito after passing the summer there. G. Boedewig has returned from a Are months' visit to South America, Mr.

and Mrs. Altred -MacGrotty are passing this month at the Isle of Wight. Mrs. Romualdo Pacheco, who bas been suffering from malaria for several weeks, has returned from Oakland, where she was visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Miller, and is residing at the Hotel Belia Vista.

As soon as she is con valescent she will join her husband at Guatemala. M. Theodore Kearney has arrived in New York after his European trip. Mrs. Theresa Fair and Miss Virginia, Fair have been passing the week in this city, but they will go LO Del Monte in a few days to attend the meeting of the Country Club.

Miss Heyneman of the Art Students League baa gone to Berlin and Paris to study art for the next two years. She will retain; her connection with the league. Mr. and Mra. C.

C. Trowbridge arrived in town early in the week on brief visit from Riverside. Mrs. Morton Cheesman and Miss Jennie Cheesman have returned to the city, after a prolonged visit to Salt Lake City. Miss Georgia Masten has returned from visit to Miss Evelyn Murphy in San Jose.

Miss Etta Birdsall of Sacramento is passing a few weeks at Santa Cruz. Mrs. W. C. Van Fleet has returned to Sacramento after visiting her mother, Mrs.

Clark W. Crocker, at Idlewild, near Lake Tahoe. Mrs. R. Mead is enjoying a visit at the Hotel del Coronado.

John A. Stanton is still pursuing his art studies in Paris. Mra. C. E.

Brown has returned from Santa Cruz and is now at her new home, 2837 Jacksop street. Mrs. McDonald and Miss Laura McDonald have been enjoying a visit to Ben Lomond. Mrs. Peter Decker and Miss Decker will remain at Salt Lake City until the middle of September.

Mrs. Moses Hopkins has been visiting Santa Cruz during the past week: James D. Phelan and 8. G. Murphy returned from Santa Cruz last Monday.

Henry Alexander is passing the summer in San Rafael and is doing considerable sketching in the vicinity. Mrs. James Irvine, Cal Byrne and James W. Byrne have returned to the city after a prolonged tour of Europe. Mr.

and Mrs. Alexander Badiam 'and Miss Maude Badlam have been passing the week at their country villa, "Arcadia," near Mount St. Helena. Mrs. George Huntsman and the Misses Huntsman have returned to the city after passing the summer at San Rafael and Sausalito.

They are residing at the Hotel Bella Vista. Mrs. O. F. Willey and Frank D.

Willey TEturned to the city last Wednesday, via Panama, after an extended tour of Europe and a visit to the Eastern States. Mrs. Charles F. Mullins left last Tuesday to visit Mrs. J.

L. Martel at her vilia near Mountain View. Robert Tolmie has returned from a visit. to the Yosemite valley. Mr.

and Mrs. D. J. Staples have returned from Yellowstone Park. Mme.

Crabbe and Miss Jean Grabbe have returned from their visit to Japan. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Bovee have returned from San Rafael and are permanently located at the Hotel Pleasanton. Miss Leary of New Orleans is paying another visit to this coast and is now at the Hotel del Monte. Mr. and Mrs. H.

L. Tatum are visiting the Blue lakes. Mr. and Mrs. W.

B. Bourn, the Misses Bourn, the Misses Carrie and Alice Griffith and W. H. Fisher have returned from their Eastern trip. Mr.

and Mrs. Timothy Hopkins, Miss Lydia Hopkins and Miss Mamie Kohl have returned from their trip Japan. Mrs. C. B.

Jennings and Mrs. Cosmo, Morgan are visiting at Pacitic Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J.

Sullivan have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Pheisn at Phelan Park, Santa Cruz. Mr. and Mrs.

M. S. Severance of Los Angeles are in the city on a visit and are stopping at the Palace Hotel Miss Laura Clark of Sacramento is visiting Miss Fanny Crocker at Idlewild, near Lake Tahoe. Mr. and Mrs.

George Loomis came: up from Menio Park last Monday on a brief visit. Mrs. George McNear of Oakland, daughter of Dr. J. C.

Tucker, left on Thursday evening's train with friends on a jaunt to Lake. Tahoe, where they anticipate having a delightful visit. Hon. Newton Booth is at the California. Miss Blythe McDonald will, spend some time with her mother at Ben Lomond.

Miss Mamie Burling is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hill of Santa Cruz. Mr. and Mrs.

William M. Lent and family are at the Palace Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Louis E.

Monteagle, Cutler Paige and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Paige have returned. from Blythedale, where they have been spending the summer season. Charles G.

Hooker has returned from his visit to Oregon and Northern Calliornia, Misses Upson of Sacramento are with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Belden at Pacific Grove. Mr. and Mrs.

J. M. Kilgariff are spending few weeks at the Redondo Beach Hotel. Mrs. R.

C. Woolworth and Miss Helen Woolworth have returned from their visit to Del Monte. Mr. and Mrs. John Parrott and family, who have been making an extended stay abroad, have made preparations to return to this coast during the coming autumn.

Mrs. Catherwood and daughter and Miss -Hastings have been visiting Senator and Mrs. Stanford at their Menlo Park residence. Supervisor and Mrs. William Wilkinson and niece.

Miss May Carberry, are traveling through Northern California and Oregon. Miss Melone of Stockton is the guest of Mrs. B. H. Patrick, at Alameda.

Miss Jennie D. Smith has returned from a delightful visit to the Misses Hutchinson of Nevada City. Mr. North has returned from Etna Springs. Mrs.

C. Peter has returned to her in Alameda, after a delightful visit to her friend Mrs. William Minto at Orinda Park, Contra Costa county. Mr. and Mrs.

George H. Tyson have returned from a trip through Washington and are now at the Hotel Portland, Portland, Or. -Miss Anita Plum, C.H. Plum Miss Batchelder, Mr. Irvine and Miss Lulu Plum have returned from Etns Springs.

Mrs. H. W. Gray left the city on Monday for Vichy Springs, where she will remain about two weeks and then go to Bartlett Springs on an extended visit. After a very pleasant sojourn at the Del Monte and Santa Cruz, Mrs.

M. Bailey and daughter have gone to Klamath Hot Springs for the remainder of the season. Miss Rose Wanderly has returned from her Eastern visit. Miss Irene A. Kennedy, the young lady graduate of the Girls' High School who chose for the subject of her essay "Has the Reading of 'Black Beauty' Quickened My Sympathies?" has been presented with a handsome bronze medal by the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Mrs. Wells Pelton of Tacoma, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Ludwig of 769 East Fourteenth street, Oakland.

Hon. J. G. McCallum and family of Los Angeles are at the Whittier. Mrs.

J. C. Mhoon and her two little children, accompanied by her sisters, Misses Sallie and Lollie Eckfeldt, are rusticating at Lake Delavan, for a few weeks. Mrs. Mhoon lost her husband a couple of months ago.

Mrs. C. P. Sheffield left for her home in England on August 12th. Mrs.

V. A. Carranza and family and her niece, Miss Marguerite Gonzales, sailed on the steamer City of Sydney for. Quezaltenango, Guatemala, to. join her husband.

Mrs. C. A. Head of Sacramento, who has been visiting her parents for the past six weeks, will go to Napa for a short visit. Mrs.

Cora Rice, accompanied by her sister, Miss Lily Ransom, will leave Saturday for her country home, Beauvoir, on the Sacramento, after a pleasant sojourn with her mother, Mrs. Ransom. The following week they will be joined by Captain Rice and leave for Napa valley in time for the county fair and will visit the Napa Soda Springs. Miss Julis M. Lingley left last Monday to make an extended visit to friends in the Eastern States.

Miss Pauline Head of Napa, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hawkins, will return home on Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs.

C. A. Head of Sacramento. Mrs. Leahy, accompanied by Miss Mary Leahy and Miss Lillie Hoblit of San Francisco, are stopping at the Strome cottage in Pacific Grove.

John H. McGovern has returned after week's visit to Laurel Glen, Napa. Louis Feldmann Jr. is at the Hotel Rafael for the balance of the season. Miss Annie Carroll of San Jose has returned home after a two weeks' visit to Miss May Carberry of this city.

Mrs. A. Brunson of Los Angeles has been spending several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. J. A.

Moore, of 518 Golder. Gate avenue. Mrs. Brunson, accompanied by Mrs. Moore, leaves to-day for a pleasure trip to Santa Cruz and Monterey.

Miss Marie L. Thompson is at the Hygea Hotel, old Point Comfort. Judge T. K. Wilson and family of Los Angeles are at the Whittier.

Captain and Mrs. W. B. Cobb have returned. from Vichy Springs and are stopping at 1322 California street.

Mrs. B. Paulsen and her nephew, A. B. C.

Dohrmann, are at present in New York city. Miss Rebekah Levy of 2609 Fillmore street, sister of Joseph J. Levy, the former manager of Booth and Barrett, sailed on the steamer State of. California on Tuesday morning last for Portland, Or. The lady intends being away up north several weeks, sojourning there with her married sister, Mrs.

Julia Goldschmidt. Miss Emma Meyers and Miss Hattie Kron have returned from a trip through Napa valley. Mr. and Mrs. R.

Napier Silver and daughter have gone to Blue lakes, where they will remain several weeks. Miss Eva Deutsch of San Diego is in the city visiting relatives at 2212 Pine street. Samuel C. Greenberg of the firm of Greenberg Greenberg, has left for the East. Mt.

and Mrs. S. J. Newman and daughter leave next Saturday for an extended tour of Europe. Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Weissbein will be pleased to see their friends before their departure for Grass. Valley on Sunday afternoon and evening, August 23d, at the California Hotel. William P. Todd is st Etna Springs.

Colonel and Mrs. J. G. Chandler, U.S. are stopping at the Hotel Richelieu.

Mrs. F. A. Elliot: and four children are at Etna Springs. C.

M. Palmer and family have taken rooms for the winter at the Hotel Richelieu: Mr. and Mrs. H. G.

Fiske and Misses Alice and Lillian Fiske are at Etna Springs. S. R. Prentice and family are at the Hotel Richelieu Miss Violet Brown has returned from Mill Valley. James C.

Dunphy has returned from New York and left on Thursday for Tucson, A. T. Mr. and Mrs. William G.

Irwin returned to Honolulu last Tuesday after a prolonged visit here and in the East. Judge J. M. Miller is stopping st the Hotel Richelieu. Mrs.

Kelly and family, who have been spending the last three months at Mill Valley, have returned to the city. Lieutenant Johnson, U. S. is stopping at the Hotel Richelieu prior to his departure for the East. Hon.

and Mrs. M. M. Estee: and Miss Mabel Estee are at their residence, Hedgeside," in Napa county. Mrs.

R. Judah of this city and Mrs. B. Fernandez of Pinole are enjoying a visit at the Napa Soda Springs. J.

Fred Burgin went to Santa Cruz last Friday on a short visit. Mrs. 8. W. Holladay and Mrs.

Ruth Blackwell are visiting Mrs. James Phelan at Santa Cruz. Miss Rose E. Rock of this city is sojourning in Santa Cruz, as the guest of the Misses Lewis. Colonel F.

A. Bee, accompanied by Mrs. 8. L. Bee and Miss Mamie Tayior, visited Del Monte last week.

Mrs. A. A. Hibbard and children and Misses Floy Conger and Nettie James are visiting in Chico. Miss Carrie Sexton of Oroville is visiting friends in San Francisco.

Miss Minnie Berry, Miss Maude Berry and Miss Hetta Reynolds left for the East Friday, where they will spend several months traveling. Coming Events. There are rumors in the air that a grand Kermesse will be held in the Mechanics' Pavilion in October or November. It will continue for a week and will be given in aid of worthy charities. By, the kind permission of Mr.

McDonald the membera of the Mizpah Club will hold an apron tea on Saturday afternoon, August 29th, at 2122 Sutter street, in aid of the charity fund of the club. The members of the Berlins will give their sixth hop at Odd Fellows' Hall, Tuesday evening, August 18th. A benefit will be given by the Alta Dramatic Company to California Parlor, No. 1, N. S.

G. on Wednesday evening, August 19th, in Irving Hall. "A Russian will be presented with a good cast. The Goodwin Comedy Company will present the comedy "The Ulster" at Saratoga Hall next Thursday evening. The Aldine Musical Club will celebrate its fourteenth anniversary by giving a party next Friday evening fu Pioneer Hall: Young Ladies' Institute No.

10 will give an entertainment and social on Friday evening, August 21st, at Pythian Castle Catholic Ladies' Aid Society No. 18 will give an ice cream social on Saturday evening, August 22d, ac Myrtle Hall, Railrosd avenue, South San Francisco, Young Ladies' Institute No. 7 will give an entertainment and hop on August 25th, at Olympic Hall. Mission Parlor, No. 38, Native Sons of the Golden West, will give its seventh anniversary ball ou Friday evening, August 28th, at Odd Fellows' Hall.

The Eols Club will hold its first quarterly ball at Tentonia Hall, Saturday evening, Angust 29th. Young Ladies' Institute No. 1 will celebrate its fourth anniversary with a ball at Odd Fellows' Hall Tuesday evening, September 1st. Golden Gate Legion, No. 3.

8. K. of will hold its first annual ball in Harmony Hall on Saturday evening, September 12th. Columbia Couneil, No. 55, Young Men's Institute, will hold its annual reception at Odd Fellows' Hall on Friday evening, October 2d.

The of the Cogswell High School have organized their Friday afternoon cotillon, and will meet hereafter in Mission Music Hall. Professor Anderson has been engaged as instrnetor for the term. Rev. Dr. MeLish, pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, will deliver one of his popgiar lectures in the Howard-street Methodist Episcopal Church on Friday evening of this week.

Subject: "The Mistake of Jack and Gill and Disregard of Natural Law in Courtship and Marriage." Admission free. Golden State Parlor, No. 50, N. D. G.

will give a fan party on Wednesday evening, August 26th, at Druids' Hall, 413 Butter street. There will be an entertainment and ball given under -the auspices of the Maze Social Club at Irving Hall on Saturday evening, September 5th. George G. Mende, Corps No. 61, W.

R. will give a pound party at St. George's Hall, Starket street, next Saturday evening. Games and dancing will be indulged in, and a good time is anticipated. Young Ladies' Institute No.

10 will give an entertainment and social in St. George's Hall, Pythian Castle, next Friday evening: The annual reception of the Maria Kip Orphanage will be held Saturday, September 5th, at the orphanage, 570 Harrison street: Lunch will be served from 12 to 2 o'clock, and the reception will last from 12 to 5 o'clock. Bishop Nichols will be present, and at 3 o'clock will present the gold medal to one of the girls. During the afternoon the children will have a table with fancy articles, mostly made -by themselves, for sale. The managers will be delighted to see all who are interested in the work.

The military drama "Allatoona" will be produced by the Del Monte Amateur Players on Thursday evening, August 27th, at Saratoga Hall. After the performance a social dutice is promised. The Yosemite Club will give its annual ball in Mangel's Hall on Saturday evening, August 224. The Mystic Forty, a side issue of Golden Gate Parlor, No. 29, N.

8. G. will give their second party in Odd Fellows' Hall, Tuesday evening, September 29th. The leading amateurs of the city have tendered their services for a benefit to be given on Thursday, August 27th, to George Clifford, the popular business manager of Irving Hall Fair Del Monte is now like a pet child or favorite pup -you can see her grow. Every day adds something to her size and importance.

There have been plenty of pretty women here all summer, but pretty women without men are capricious and secretive. The season is in full swing, the stereotyped society smile is on every pretty face. The women are tuned up to their proper functions. The dressing is superb. Afternoon ten and Welsh rarebit parties occur The bowling alley is filled to overflowing every evening.

Next Saturday's ball will eclipse anything ever seen here -before. Chef Harder has everything in readiness for the swell luncheon on the grounds at the shoot. A band of thirty musicians will play concert -music during luncheon. The supper on Saturday after the ball will be one long to be remembered. The surf has been crowded with swimmers all the week.

The feature of the past week was the hop on Saturday evening, as there were so many new faces and such pretty ones. The "Del Monte limited" never left San Francisco with a prettier set of girls than on Saturday, and our city across the bay added her share to it. The bail and dining rooms presented a beautiful appearance. Everybody wasin full dress, Daneing kept up until a very date hour. Among the new Jaces seen were Miss Nellie McKee, Miss: Daisy Ainswerth, Miss Mamie Holbrook, Miss Lillie Brush, Miss Catherwood, Miss Simrall, Miss Chew, Miss Houghton, Miss Nellie Hillyer, Miss Alice Hobart, Miss Ella Hastings, Miss Aldrich, Miss Maybelle Stewart, Miss Rising.

Monday's arrivals will include Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wood, Mrs.

E. J. Bowen, Miss Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. C.

E. Stone, P. Bourdo and party and B. F. Norris.

Tuesday's arrivals will include Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Parrott, Miss Low, Mr. and Mrs.

E. F. Preston, H. D. Kirkover and party, Miss Carrigan, Mr.

and Mrs. Jerome Lincoln, Miss Ethel Lincoln, J. B. Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs.

James A. Robinson. Wednesday's arrivals will include Mr. and Mrs. A.

L. Tubbs, Miss Nettie K. Tubbs, J. B. Stokes, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Schmiedell, Mrs. R.J. Woods and child, Mr. and Mrs.

F. A. Frank. Thursday's arrivals will include Mr. and Mrs.

F. D. Atherton, Mr. and Mrs. E.

L. Bosqui, Miss Eyre, Mr. and Mrs. F. L.

Moody, Robert Bolton, George A. Loughborough, A. B. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs.

E. A. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. J.

Downey Harvey, Miss Voorhies, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rutherford, Miss Jolliffe, Mrs. Ruth Blackwell, George Crocker, Miss Maynard, Miss Newlands, Mr.

and Mrs. William Alvord, D. N. Murphy, Mrs. F.

Chesly, Mrs. N. G. Kittle and party, J. H.

P. Howard, Cutler Paige, Mrs. W. S. Hochistadter, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Holbrook, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.

A. Miller, Mrs. Charles W. Howard, 0. Shafter Howard, F.

W. MeNear, Mrs. J. Mervyn Donahue, Miss Millie Ashe and R. Porter Ashe.

Friday's arrivals will- include P. P. Howard, C. D. O'Sullivan, Mr.

and Mrs. F. Tallant, George P. Tallant, Miss Derrick, John K. Orr, E.

N. Bee, W. S. McMurtry, Mark L. Requa, F.

Locan and family, J. 8. Follansbee, Miss Ella Adams, E. D. Adams, Mr.

and Mrs. N. J. Brittan, Mrs. J.

A. Folger, J. A. Folger, E. R.

Folger, August Taylor, W. H. Taylor Robert Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B.

Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Belden, Miss Lucy Upson, Miss Adelaide Upson, Mr. and Mrs.

B. Witshire, J. W. Byrne, Warren D. Clark, Oscar I.

Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Laidlaw, F.

A. FalIon, A. Carrigan, Alfred S. Tubbs, Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Moore, Major James D. Phelan, J. M. Quay, Jerome Hart, G. 8.

Page, 8. C. Buckbee, John M. Adam's, Walter 8. Alexander Hamilton, H.

H. Veuve, R. B. Woodward, G. W.

Wickes, A. C. Tabbs, Andrew Jackson, W. 8. Kittle, R.

E. Wilson, H. A. Johnson, F. W.

Lawler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Josselyn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.

Redding, P. Mr. and Danforth, Mrs. Mr. W.

C. and Mra. Murdock, L. S. Mr.

B. and Sawyer, Mrs. W. E. Sawyer and J.

B. Casserly. Although the reopening of the schools is causing the departure of a number of families with children, yet the Hotel Rafael and cottages remain as full as ever, new arrivals continuing every day. The fall months of San Rafael are the most delightful of the entire season, and 8 long round of entertainments will shortly be announced. The ball of the season is announced at the Hotel Rafael for September 9th.

There is no doubt but that the hotel will be filled to repletion at that time. The greatest Interest centers on the ladies' singles in the tennis thatch. President Newhail will be on hand to represent the national committee. Doubles in tennis are considered far more enteresting by the majority of the spectators than the singles. McGavin and Tobin hare been the champions now for several seasons, and it is thought they have an -excellent chance to win again.

There is no better time or place in California than at the Hotel Raisel for a tennis tournament, Mrs. M. J. O'Connor and her daughters returned last week, and Monday the D. B.

Davidsons return from their outing in the interior. The A. J. Bowies and Friedlanders will remain until the last part of the autumn. Mr.

and Mrs. Graves and their graceful daughter will return to the Hotel Rafael the first part of the coming month. Much to the regret of their many friends, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmiedell, who have been here the past three months, will return to the city next Wednesday.

The church-fair period has arrived. It always comes when the season is at its height, but this year it is more conspicuous than usual. Since the days when San Rafael first started the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches have: held fairs, which yield a goodly proportion of the expenses of the year. The fairs are manaxed by the ladies, and make religion a very cheap luxury for the country people. Saturday's garden party was success in every particular There were several very interesting games of tennis and a delicious luncheon served, besides lots of booths where flowers and fancy articles were sold by charming ladies.

In the evening there was a concert given, and the grounds were beautifully lit up by Japanese and railroad lanterns. The suecess of the entertainment is greatly due to the untiring efforts of the ladies of the congregation of St. Paul's- Church, foremost of whom are Mrs. E. L.

Griffith, Mrs. George M. Pinckard, Mrs. William H. Berry, Miss Stay, Mrs.

Louis B. Parrott, Mrs. John F. Bigelow, the Misses Ames and many others. Among the prominent Rafaelites at the party were noticed Mrs.

W. B. Collier, Mrs. M. Latham, Miss Susie Tompkins, Mt.

and Mrs. Eb Seatt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Henley Smith, Mr.

and Mrs. George Pace, Mr. and Charles Page. Paul Bunker, Miss Brice. Mrs.

Robert J. Bowie, Miss Collier, Mias Ashe, Mrs. Pomeror, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Mr.

and Mrs. Sidney B. Cushing. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Schmiedell, Mrs. D. N. Walter, Misses WORLD Socially, bids fair re improving little and 557 8th, at the Folsom residence of Mr. and Mrs.

E. Agasse, affairs next to be quite bright. The street. After the ceremony the news of the past week from country resorts will be Joined review. Betrothals.

correspondence found in the sub- The engagement is announced of Miss Julia Mackay Lingley of this city and Joseph Warren Watkins, son of Hon, Warren C. Watkins of Chicago, Ill. The wedding will take place in the fall and the young couple will reside in Chicago, where Mr. Watkins is engaged in the re banking business. The wedding of Miss Lulu Wentworth and Charles W.

Stilwell will take place tost the residence of the bride's parents in Oakland. Miss Mary C. H. Eichbaum, daughter of F. H.

Eichbaum, will be married next Thursday noon to John T. Cummins at St. John's Episcopal Church. The betrothal is announced of Miss Anna Niemann, niece of Mrs. Helen Nockin of this city, to John Wagner.

The wedding of William Sperbeck and Miss. Josie Walton is announced to take place at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. F. Sperbeck, 515 Turk street, to-morrow evening.

The engagement is formaily announced of Miss Belle A. Garrett, daughter of James H. Garrett of this city, to Orville C. P. Goodspeed of Chico, Cal, Weddings.

The Church Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, on Broadway, was filled last Monday evening with the friends of Miss Isabella E. Danglada and John Lawrence Tiernes, who were that evening united in the bonds of matrimony. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.

Danglada of this city, is an exceptionally pretty girl of the brunette type, petite in figure, a0- complished and charming in her ways. The groom was formerly a resident of New York, but is now located in business here and has the esteem of a large circle of friends. The sanctuary was made more then usually attractive by the artistic disposition of tropic plants and fair blossoms, and its beauty was beightened by the presence of the bridal party. Miss Lizzie Flood was the maid of honor, A. F.

Danglada, brother of the bride, was best man, and Harry Stinson and Charles Flood acted as ushers. The impressive ceremony of the Catholie Church was performed by Rev. Father Antonio, and the bride's father gave her into the keeping of the groom. The bride has never appeared prettier than in her wedding robe, which was of white satin made with a court train. The corsage was cut nigh, with long sleeves ending in fall of point lace, and the trimming was of orange blossoms and point lace.

Diamond pins in the coiffure held in place the veil of white silk moline which rippled to the end of the train. She wore white undressed kid gloves and carried a bouquet of Perle du Jardin roses. Miss Lizzie Flood, the maid of honor, wore a becoming toilet of canary-colored silk made with a demi-tran and trimmed with silver passem*nterie. Her gloves matched her dress and her hand bouquet was of Marechal Niel TOSAS. Mrs.

I. Danglada, the bride's mother, was elegantly attired in black rhadame, made with a court train and trimmed with jets. Her ornaments were diamonds. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride's parents, 2021 Broderick street, to which only relatives and a few intimate friends had been invited. The handsome furnishings of the Interior were accentuated by a graceful display of bright-hued biossoms, the perfume from which filled the air.

Congratulations were bestowed upon the happy couple by the favored few in attendance, and then a delicious supper was served. The presents were particularly beautiful and interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Tierney left the city on Tuesday for a southern trip, and are expected back next Monday.

They will reside at 2021 Broderick street and will receive on Tuesdays. Among those at the reception were Mr. and Mrs. L. Danglada, Mr.

and Mrs. Julius Bandmann, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Taaffe, Mr.

and Mrs. John P. Young, Mr. and Mrs. McNab, Miss Lizzie Flood, Miss Emma Flood Miss Flora Buckley, Miss Ida Stinson, Miss Flora Stinson, Miss Brown, Miss Josie Rolla, Miss Maud Rolls, A.

F. Dauglada, Harry Stinson, Charles Flood, Father Antonio and Frank Rolla. MHOON-MILLER. A quiet wedding took place last Wednesday In Oakland at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Miller. The contracting parties were their daughter, Miss Charlotte Keudall Miller, and Major John B. Mboon, a prominent atta ney-at-law of this city, The ceremony. Was witnessed only by relatives of the happy couple, and it was performed impressively by Rev. R.

F. Coyle. Afterward a sumptuous dinner was enjoyed, and in the evening Major and Mrs. Mhoon left for Lake Tahoe, where they will remain several weeks. The presents sent to them were numerous and of much elegance.

STERN-FROHMAN. On Sunday, the 2d. at 6 o'clock in the evening, Moses Stern and Miss Hannah Frohman, both of this city, were united in marriage by the Rev. Mr. Meyerson at Pioneer Hall.

The ceremony was performed in the beautiful parlors of the hall in the presence of an assemblage of about 150 of the bride and groom's relatives and To the notes of Mendelssohn's. "Wedding March" the bridal party, led by the bridesmaids, Misses Blanche Harris and Maud Adler, the Misses Ray, Fannie and Lena Stern, and Gertie Simons, and the groomsmen, Lip Harry Lazarus, Max Mayfield and Isaac Frohman, passed through an aisle formed in the center of the parlor and led the bride and groom to their station under a handsome floral marriage bell. After the ceremony and the showering of congratulations on the newly wedded couple and their families all present repaired to the dining hall. While the elaborate menu spread upon the festal board was being discussed the ears of the diners were feasted with the melodious strains of music, which proceeded from behind bower of plants and flowers at the lower end of the hall. Some popular airs were rendered, which tempted the voices of the guests to join in the choruses.

After the wines and Fiands were freely partaken of a number of congratulatory messages from absent friends in the East and all sections of the Pacifio coast were read and appropriate remarks were made by some of the gentlemen present, all of which met with hearty responses from the listeners. The guests then adjourned to the dance ball, where dancing was indulged in until alter midnight. All the halls and corridors were beautifally adorned with plants, dowers and stringers smilax, and, with the handsome costumes of the ladies, the music and the bright illumination, the scene presented was truly brilliant. Every one united in saying that the pleasure of the evening would not be soon forgotten. Mr.

and Mrs. Stern are domiciled at 1208 Buchanan street, in pretty home furnished throughout almost completely by the lavish wedding gifts of friends The young couple held a reception there yesterday afternoon and evening, and were visited by a continuous stream of callers: M'GOWAN-THOMAS. The wedding of Thomas A. McGowan, one of Ban Francisco's promiuent attorneys, and Miss Clara Thomas took place at the residence of the bride's father, J. Thomas, of Visalia, one of California's pioneers, on August 9th.

The ceremony was performed be the Rev. James Wilson of Visalia. After the wedding breakfast the happy couple departed, amid the congratulations of their numerous friends. for Fresno, en route to San Francisco, where they will reside. -GROOM.

On Sunday, August 2d, Miss May Groom and Frank King were married at St. Francis Church, Mission Dolores. The afair was quiet and unostentatious, only relatives of the bride and groom being present. A sumptuous wed. ding breakfast was enjoyed afterward at.

the home of the bride, after which the couple went to Santa Cruz, where they remained a week. Mr. and Mrs. King are well known in this city. They will leave to-day for an Eastern trip.

COMMINS-EAGEN. The marriage of James E. Commins and Miss Mamie Eagan was celebrated on July 26th at. St. Paul's Church, Rev.

Father Connelly officiating. After the ceremony the pews married couple returned to 209 Courtland avenue, where a supper was served. Afterward the guests indulged in dancing. GRUGGLE-BULGER. Captain F.

W. Gruggle and Miss Emma Bulger were united in marriage on Sunday, August Walter, Mrs. F- Green, Mrs. J. N.

Walter, W. F. Bowers, Mrs. Vincent Neall, Mr. and Mrs.

Basil Hentkeote, Messrs. Thomas and Brin Berry and many others. Charles 8. Fay will return to the Hotel Rafeel on Monday. Mise Ashe is the guest of Mrs.

Carter P. Pomeroy. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B.

Oushing leave this week for a short visit at Del Monte. Miss Rise Lilienthal, A bright little daughter of P. N. Lilienthal, is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.

Beligman, at the Hotel Bar fael Mrs. C. A. Buck bee and Miss Annie Buckbes are at the hotel fora visit. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert N. Graves and Miss Elma Graves, who hare been spending the season at Santa Cruz, will return to the hotel next week Del Coronado. bridal party and a few friends repaired to Pleasant Valley cottage, the home of the groom's brother, A. R.

Gruggle, near Piedmont, ward dancing was indulged in and the merrywhere a sumptuous was enjoyed. Aftermakers returned to the city on the last train. Private Receptions. A most enjoyable party was given last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. E.

Acosta, 1325 Clay street, in honor of her son, who departed on the following day on the steamer City of Sydney for Mazatian, where he is manager for a large mercantile house. The evening was most enjoyably passed. Dancing was the principal feature. The music was particularly fine, several amateur, musicians rendering selections from noted composers in a highly pleasing manner, The dresses of the ladies were exceedingly handsome and becoming to the Castilian beauties. It was full-dress affair.

At midnight a sumptuous repast was served. Among those present were: Mrs. Acosta, Mrs. A. C.

Losiza, Mrs. Zarina Hidalgo, Mrs. G. Saldierua, Mrs. Pauline Russell and Misses Sophie Hidalgo, Josepa Viadero.

Felix Mendoza, Josephine Varela, Matilde, Catalina and Clotilde A costa, Lola and Amparo Loaiza, and Juan Hidalgo, Diego Redo, Ed Cabrero, A. Varela, E. Bresse, Dr. I. Rivas, Genard Saldierus, W.

L. Greenbaum, Daniel O'Connell, M. G. Coward, Alonso and Entimio Acosta, and Fernando, Luis, Alberto and W. L.

Loaiza, THE RAPHAEL RECEPTION. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Raphael gave a delightful reception last Friday evening st their residence, 2422 Clay street, in order to appropriately celebrate the betrothal of- their son, George Raphael, and Miss Etta Goldstein. large number of friends were assembled in the beautifully decorated parlors, and the evening was most joyously passed. A notable feature was the elaborate supper at 11 o'clock. Wolff acted as toastmaster admirably, and felicitous responses were made by Hon. Felix Merzbach, George Raphael, A.

Lewis; Louis: Blank, R. A. Crothers, J. D. Abrams and Charles Jacobs.

Yonke's orchestra furnished excellent music st intervals, and in every way. the affair was made happily memorable, terminating with dancing. BACH BIRTHDAY PARTY. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Bach gave a pleasant party last Tuesday evening at their residenee, 1583 Folsom street, in celebration of Mrs. Bach's birthday. After the guests had duly congratulated her, an informal musicale was instituted, the selections being given by members of the Bach Musical Club and by Miss E. Volkmann. A bounteous supper was served afterward, and it was a late hour when the delightful affair terminated.

SERENADE AND SURPRISE. A serenade and surprise party was given last Thursday evening to F. M. Pharion, who is grand president of the Order of Hermann's Sons. The members of the singing society of that order surprised him at his residence on Grove street, and after singing several selections the host invited the serenaders in.

A delicious supper was enjoyed, and the evening was made one of merriment and pleasure. HARRIS BIRTHDAY PARTY. Last Tuesday afternoon Miss Mattie, the eight-year-old daughter of J. W. Harris, superintendent of the California-street Railroad, received her little schoolmates and friends at the residence of her parents, 2326 California street.

It was 3 o'clock when the little ones began to arrive, and after wishing their hostess many more happy birthdays they partook of a bountifully supplied table. For two hours the tots danced, sang and played games, and the arrival of parents and nurses and 5 o'clock came all too soon. Those present were: Misses Lily Cable, Alice and Ethel Harris, Irma and Nita MeLean, Grace and Annie McCrossen, Rita and Florence Haynes, Stella Jesserum, Ray Voorsanger, Helen Taylor, Martha Harris, Violet and Gladys Robinson, Masters C. E. Lloyd, Thomas and George Harris, Harold McKean, Bertie Harris, Fred Fraser, Roy Fuller, Willie Klumpp, Carlton Winship, Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Harris, Mrs. C.

E. Lloyd and Miss Emma Gagan. THE GOUSTIAUX PARTY. A very enjoyable surprise party was given to A. Goustiaux by his friends last Sunday evening at his residence on Union street, it being the fiftieth anniversary of his birthday.

The parlors and dining-room had been beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns for the occasion. From the center of the arch hung a floral emblem, G. At 8 o'clock all were present, and, after congratulations, the guests adjourned to the dining-room, where a sumptuous repast was served. While at table many toasts were made in honor of the host, all of which were zealously responded to. During the evening a telegram of congratulation was received from his son and daughterin-law, Mr.

and Mrs. G. Goustiaux, now residing in Paris. Vocal selections, musio and dancing were indulged in until a late hour; when all left perfectly delighted with the evening's entertainment. The souvenir of the affair was a beautiful ainted menu card.

Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Goustiaux, Dr. Huffstetter, Mr.

and Mrs. J. Jullien, Dr. and Mrs. Bazan, P.

L. Aubert, Mrs. Lacoste, Mrs. Schoenmaker, Mr. Margue, Mrs.

Lebatard, Mrs. de St. Jullien, Miss J. Berard, Miss M. Lacoste, Miss Lebatard, Miss M.

Aubert, Misses Rampilion, Miss Pochan, Miss P. Schoenmaker, H. S. Martin, L. J.

Aubert, Mr. Locher, P. de St. Jullien, Mr. Robinet and others.

THE METZLER PARTY. A number of irlends of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Metzler enjoyed a delightful evening's entertainment at the home of the latter on Friday evening last. The interior of the dwelling was prettily decorated with flowers and evergreens.

Dancing and music comprised the festivities and at midnight the guests partook of a sumptous repast. Beside the plate of each guest was placed a neat souvenir. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. William Parr, Mr.

and Mrs. H. M. Castillar, Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Metzler, Mr. and Mrs. W. von Ronni Mrs. Carberry, Misses Nita Castillar, Carrie, Sallie and Minnie Fargue, M.

Hepp and Kate Schartell and Fred Dethiefsen, H. Winkler, B. M. Akerly, I. Levy, Blumkall, H.

This-, Harry Chevalier, Master Ed Metzler and F. Stone. THE COX SILVER WEDDING. large number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs.

Philip K. Cox gathered at their residence, 342 Fremont street, on Thursday evening last to participate in the celebration of their silver wedding. The evening was spent in pleasant social intercourse, interspersed with excellent music, furnished by Professor and Mrs. Martin Schultz and Miss Minnie Pengeley. Among those present were: Mr.

and Mrs. H. Allison, Muster Ernest Allison, Captain and Mrs. Li D. 'Fletcher, Mrs.

Mary Fletcher, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Carrie Worden, Mr. and Urs. Charles Jones, Mrs.

Charles: J. Jones. Mrs. Jobn B. Horan, Mr.

and Mrs Richard Pengeley, the Misses Minnie and Beatrice Pengeley, Miss Annie Jones, Miss Lillie Jones, Colonel H. Bush, Profersor and Mrs. Martia Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. John Ejerem, C.

B. Perkins, A. 0. Donough, W. L.

Le Lean, A. R. Over. After spending a delightful evening and with best wishes for the happiness of the partaking of refreshments the guests departed bride and groom during the next twentyyears of married life. WEDDING RECEPTION.

Mr. and Mrs. George Young gave a reception -Friday evening, August corner of 7th, at Central their residence, and on the north west avenue Willow street, Alameda, In honor of Mr. and Frank Vivien James, who were married on the 30th ult. The house was beautifully decorated with choice foliage and plants.

The large verandas were inclosed with canvas, and formed bower like retreat. Potted plants and feathers ferne adorned the bower, and in one corner the orchestra was stationed. The evening was grounds a balmy were one, filled the and the lawn and extensive entire evening with promenading couples. The bride, who is a very pretty brunette, looked lovely in her wedding gown of cream white faille Francaise, embroidered in seed mother, was attired in a princess gown of pearls. Mrs.

George Young, the groom's black crepe, trimmed with iridescent passem*nterie. Dancing and music were features of guests the evening. Mrs. Hoffman favored tlie with some vocal selections. At -10 o'clock deco- the guests were ushered into the beautifully rated dining-room, where an elegant supper served, Dancing was afterward resumed was and the festivities continued until a late Cowie, hour.

The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. D.

Lunt, Milroy, Miss J. H. Olitta Thompson, Lunt, Mrs. Mr. and Rooney, Mrs.

0. Miss A. Eichelroth, Mr. and Mrs. Peck, Mr.

and Mrs. There is something very peculiar about the climate here. It is neither warm not cold. By noon every. day the mercury in the thermometer crawls up to 78 or 80 and by 4 o'clock it is gradually getting back again to 68 or 70 where it stays through the night.

The evenings are delightful; just warm enough for a quiet chat on the veranda after dinner, The men find enjoyment in lazily puffing their cigars, while the orchestra within plays their favorite airs: A most delightful existence Care and trouble seem to leave one here in this delicious atmosphere. The broad Pacific rolls peacefully at your feet, and nothing breaks the murmur of the ever restless waves save the laughter and merriment of the bathers as an unusually large breaker takes some of them off their The encampment of the Southern California Grand Army posts is being held at Coronado, near the hotel. The park set apart for the tents of the veterans is well filled, and the attendance is fully up to expectations. The sounds of martial music, the bugle calls, the drum corps drill, the reveille, all add to the effect of the scene and excite the wonder and amusem*nt of the young people. The camp is visited daily by hundreds of people from San Diego and the surrounding towns.

At the hotel it is gulls lively. New people are arriving daily. Among the Californians registered at the Hotel del Coronado are: Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Casey, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.

Hopkins, H. Fleishhacker. Mrs. J. W.

Dayan, Mr. E. A. Blodgett, Miss H. Searles, Miss Emily Meyer, Mrs.

C. 0. Scott, Dr. and Mrs. A.

Barkan and Burling of San Francisco; Mrs. H. Watts, Miss Watts, N. Watts, Mr. and Mrs.

George Fuller, I. G. Stewart, Oscar Haupt, C. E. Miller, James A.

Gibson, Page, Mrs. Geurge. Peisley, Judge J. J. Henderson and Eli I.

Murray of San Diego; F. K. Wilson, Jenn: Robarts, L. Walton, C. A.

Miller, Miss I. Weldon, W. C. Farrey, Miss Moilie E. Mrs.

H. A. Birdsall, Mrs. F. E.

Olds, Mrs. M. L. Willets, George Prentz and Mr. and Mr.

James F. Denham of Los Angeles, N. N. Berbora of Fresno, Mrs. E.

A. Hobson of Santa Monica. P. J. Stockman, Mrs.

Sullneger and Mias Murphy of San Bernardino, V. A. Heller and J. E. Auzernis of San Jose, Mr.

and Mrs. P. Johnson, William M. Collier. A.

de Vine, Mrs. Jessie Beam, Miss Maggie Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. F.

Weeks, John M. Roberts Mrs. 8. E. Roberts and O.

Backus of Riverside, Mrs. Belle Toland, Mrs. Walkey and Miss Fisher of Pasadena, Mr. and Mrs. G.

H. Smith of Santa Ana, I. Barber and Mrs. J. A.

Mack o1 Redlands, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harkinson of Pomona.

Laurel Glen Farm. Among the rural retreats that have found favor this season, especially with tourists and San Franci-cans, is picturesque Laurel Glen Farm, situated in Napa county, about three miles northwest from Napa City. Under its spreading laurel, oak and madrone, life seems one perpetual dream of rest. Among the many who have spent a portion of the summer at Laurel Glen Farmare J. Hugh Everling, England; Mr.

and Mra. E. C. Burling, New York; A. H.

Weightman and deughter, Chicago; Josh Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Higgins and daughter, Mfr.

and Mrs. I. A. Morgenstern and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

E. I. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Palmer, Mr.

and Mra. J. W. Hull, Mr. and Mrs.

A. Muhs and daughter, of San Francisco; Mrs. Baldwin and Harry Baldwin of Fresno; Mrs. M. Dunn.

Miss Anna Dunn and Mrs. A. Hutchings of 8su Francisco. MISCELLANEOUS. Doctor Sweany, 737 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.

THIS WELL KNOWS AND RELIABLE specialist promptly enres all private nervous. and chronic diseases of both sexes. Perfect cures guaranteed without juri us drogs, Consultation free; terms of treatment rensonable. Call or address. Lost Manhood, Both of YOUNG and MIDDLE-AGED MEN specialty.

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.